Sunday, January 22, 2012

Losses to Disease and Cost of Farms in 1915 and 1916

From The Southern Planter, January 1916

The report from the Secretary of Agriculture for 1915 estimates the annual losses from animal diseases at $212 million. The loss ascribed to each disease is as follows:

Hog cholera: $75 million
Texas fever and cattle ticks: $40 million
Tuberculosis: $25 million
Contagious abortion: $20 million
Blackleg, $6 million
Anthrax: $1.5 million
Scabies of sheep and cattle: $4.6 million
Glanders: $5 million
Other live stock diseases: $22 million
Parasites: $5 million
Poultry diseases: $8.75 million

In these figures, there is something for farmers to think over. A large per cent of these losses could be saved if proper attention were given to preventive measures.

Think about how far a million dollars would have gone in 1915! Here’s the cost of land from an ad in the same issue:
Fertile farms on the York and lower James River for sale.
On York—
12 acres, ½ mile river front, $2,000.
40 acres, nice new 6-room dwelling, ¼ mile river front, $3,750.
13 acres, new modern 8-room dwelling, water, light, ¼ mile river front, $6,000.
200 acres, 12-room dwelling, light, water, thoroughly modern and 10-room dwelling, $25,000.

On James—
Colonial brick, perfect condition, 365 acres, 1 mile river front, $14,600. Will divide.
1,251 acres, 3 miles river front, wharf, $30,000. Will divide.
Commodious outbuildings with each. Easy terms.
W.L. Jones, Box 5, Williamsburg, Va.

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