
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Marcia Albertson Clubhouse Dedicated in Pasquotank, 1953

From the January, 1953, issue of the NC Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs’ Newsletter, available online at

Marcia Albertson Club House Dedication

Tribute to Miss Marcia Albertson, first home agent of Pasquotank County who will be 96 years old this month, was paid Sunday afternoon, July 27, when the Marcia Albertson Club House was dedicated to service of the home, the family and community by members of the club.

Paying tribute to Miss Albertson and charter club members, in behalf of the club, Mrs. Vernon James, chairman of the club building committee, who gave a resume of the life work of Miss Marcia and described her as always having an "open mind and willing hands and good will at the center of all she has done giving a life of service to the people of Pasquotank County."

Mrs. James explained that the Marcia Albertson Home Demonstration Club was the oldest club in the county, being an outgrowth of the Dry Ridge Club, organized in April 1917, and the Newbegun Club, organized in October 1917, and consolidated into one club in the early 1930s. She recognized as charter members of the club Mrs. John Palmer, Mrs. Maude Keaton, Mrs. Wilson Scott, Mrs. C. L. Ball, Mrs. Mae Commander, Mrs. J. W. Hobbs, Sr., Mrs. Sam Wilson, Mrs. J. M. Wilson, Mrs. W. T. Jackson, Sr., and Mrs. Heywood Morris. Two charter members of the Newbegun Club, Mrs. W. J. Meads and Mrs. H. C. Meads, were recognized.

Mrs. J. L. Shipley, niece of Miss Marcia, brought a message from the first home agent who was unable to be present, expressing happiness at the honor paid her and emphasizing that she "would rather have her name on the club house than on any great monument."

The act of dedication was conducted by Mrs. Charles Saunders, chairman of the club community service, who dedicated the building to the use of the community, family and home and pledged greater service of the club members.

Called upon to receive the building as representatives of the community were George Halstead, Chairman of the County Commissioners, who responded to the dedication; W. C. Morrisette, Weeksville Principal; Mrs. Julian Saunders, PTA President; H. C. Meads, Superintendent of Newbegun Methodist Church; W. B. Saunders, Superintendent of Union Church; Lloyd Halstead, Superintendent of Salem Sunday School; William James, President of the Weeksville Lions Club; Vernon James, President of the Weeksville Vegetable Growers; Mrs. J. H. Stone, President of the Maude Hodges Home Demonstration Club; Mrs. W. P. Eves, President of the Salem Home Demonstration Club; Mrs. Carol Jackson, President of the County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs; Sara Melvin, County Home Agent; Eleanor Wrae Cartwright, representing 4-H Clubs; and Vernon Grant James, representing
Future Farmers of America.

Prayer of dedication was given by the Rev. Ambrose Burgess, retired minister, and concluding the prayer, Mrs. Glenn Pendleton sang as a solo, “Bless This House.”

Preceding the dedication, Mrs. P. P. Gregory, of Shawboro, past President of the State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs, spoke briefly and urged the club members to go forward in greater service pointing out that the real ideal for any club is "where the fatherhood of God is recognized in the brotherhood of neighbor." She urged that the community building be used for recreation for all ages with emphasis placed on providing youth with supervised play; that it be used as a reading room for increase in knowledge; that music appreciation be stimulated in the youth and adult groups and that cooperation and unity feature all the activities of the community. Mrs. Gregory presented the club with two bronze plates as a house warming gift.

Mrs. Vernon J. Langford, District Home Agent, complimented the club for its success in the building project and said that no other clubs in the States are more active than those in the Albemarle section.

The concluding address of the evening was made by Dr. F. H. Jeter, Editor of Extension Service, who also paid tribute to Miss Marcia and pointed to a greater expansion in agriculture in North Carolina. He pointed out that there is inherent in every community some spark of greatness, which can be found everywhere one goes in North Carolina. He said that throughout his travels in the State he has visited nearly every community and that he found the rural people speaking a common language and undivided by some "ism." Dr. Jeter pointed to North Carolina's high ranking place in production of farm crops, in the value of crops and the farm population which is the highest in the nation. He said that in all phases of agriculture North Carolina is going forward, in crops, in livestock and in forest and feed crops and predicted that within a few years North Carolina will be lifted to heights never dreamed of before. He said that many goals have already been passed and pointed to newer goals of the future, and urged his audience to join in the work of making North Carolina greater.

No Easy Way to Ensure Farm Income, 1956

From the July, 1956 issue of Extension Farm-News

Many farmers feel it’s good planning to diversify their farms and have several products to sell, on the theory that when the price of one product is down, another product will balance the farm income.

This reasoning is not necessarily sound, according to D.G. Harwood Jr., Extension farm management and marketing specialist.

He cites a recent study conducted by the University of West Virginia which showed that in seven out of 10 years of the study the price of 80 per cent of the products studied moved in the same direction. A number of different products on a farm is not insurance when farm prices go down—most prices move in the same direction in any one year.

Harwood says, “There is no magic formula of changes to make when prices go down. Farmers should strive to maintain profit by cutting costs. In planning the farm operation, a farmer should try to discover when products he can produce most profitably, and concentrate on those few enterprises.”

It is better to specialize along one or two lines rather than to grow a little of everything, Harwood concludes.
Tar Heel farmers trying to increase their incomes may find that renting or buying additional farm land may not be the answer either.

Harwood says that results of a recent study in the Piedmont area shows that on low income farms, family income could be increased only $3.60 by adding another acre of land.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Women with a Cause Descended On Washington, D.C.

“Looking Back to Washington 1936,” extracts from a report by Helen Eubanks, as published in the August-September 1968 issue of The Countrywoman, the magazine of the Associated Country Women of the World

Kipling could not have written “East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet” had he been in Washington the first week in June. Countrywomen from the four corners of the earth were there, formed new acquaintances, exchanged ideas and discovered that they possessed many things in common.

Washington (hardened convention city that it is) sat up and rubbed its eyes in amazement when over 7,000 women descended on the city. These 7,000 women were from 23 foreign countries and every state in the union. They came by steamer, train, motor bus, in the old family bus, probably some by air and I don’t doubt that some walked (just to get practice).

“Most of the women who came to Washington are women with a cause, these are women with a purpose,” said the manager of the Dodge Hotel, “and to me there is all the difference in the world.”

Numerous records were broken. This was the largest gathering of women in the capital city. The garden party given by Mrs. Roosevelt was the most largely attended function ever given at the White House. For the first time in history, Martha Washington was honored in preference to her famous husband, 2,000 women attended the ceremony at her tomb. She was honored as a thorough housekeeper, looking after every detail of the household. The banquet at the Williard Hotel was served to the largest group ever seated in the ballroom. Seven hundred attended and many others were disappointed. Most outstanding speaker of the evening was Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, who spoke on World Peace. She said, “Peace is one common interest of women of all continents, of all races and nations, of all classes and kinds.”

There was a display of handcrafts from all over the states and from Germany, England, Rhodesia, Ceylon and Samoa. The Emperor of Japan sent two vases for exhibition.

Two mornings were used for group discussions and I attended the one on “The Countrywoman’s Use of Natural Resources.”

Friday evening at sundown the farewell ceremony took place at the watergate at Arlington Memorial Bridge. With the Lincoln Memorial in the background and facing the peaceful Potomac, it was indeed a beautiful setting. Wide concrete steps arranged as an amphitheatre lead down to the water. As each foreign anthem was played the delegate from that country came down the steps followed by a Girl Scout in the country’s dress and carrying the country’s flag.

The convention proved to me that women are alike the world over. They are interested in their families, their homes, schools and communities and are putting forth every effort to improve these things which touch their lives.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Children's Hospital, Colored Medical Assn. Meeting, Doctor Fined for Failing to Report Births, 1920

North Carolina news from the July 3, 1920 issue of JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, which was then being published weekly

Report Profits for Children’s Hospital—Out of the profits of Grove Park Inn, Asheville, the owner will construct and maintain in Asheville a modern hospital for the treatment of crippled children in America on a site near Grove Park Inn on Sunset Mountain. Dr. W.P. Herbert, Asheville, will be chief of the medical staff.

Colored Medical Association Meeting—The 31st annual meeting of the North Carolina Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Association was held at Rocky Mount, June 29 and 30, and Charlotte was selected as the place of meeting for next year. The following officers were elected: President, Dr. William C. Strudwick, Durham; vice presidents, W.H. Williams, Goldsboro, and Peter W.J. Burnett, Rocky Mount; and secretary-treasurer, Dr. Clyde H. Donnell, Durham.

Physician Fined for Failing to Report Births—The highest fine as yet imposed in a local court for violation of the state vital statistics law was imposed on Dr. B.W. Tugman, Warrensville, July 17. He is said to have been assessed $50 and costs in two cases of failing to report births when he was the attending physician. The case was aggravated by the fact that last summer Dr. Tugman was convicted and given a nominal fine and that in this instance prosecution was instigated only after repeated unsuccessful efforts had been made to get him to comply with the law.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Timely Suggestions from Jane McKimmon, July 1936

“Timely Suggestions” by Jane S. McKimmon in the July, 1936, issue of Carolina Co-operator

I can’t go to the club meeting because I have no one with whom to leave my children,” is often heard by the home agent in Cherokee and Graham counties, but this situation does not prevail in the Valleytown Club.

A daughter of one of the club members is a home economics student and as part of her Child Care Project goes to the club and entertains the children during the meetings with games and stories. Another 4-H Club member, 10 years old, takes care of the small children who come with their mothers to the club in her community. After one meeting she told her mother, “While you ladies are in session the youngsters and I are organizing a club of our own.”

Farm Women’s Short Course
“Everybody hopes to come to the farm women’s short course, July 28-August 1, and I believe if you begin now to make your plans and save for those five days that you can make the trip possible. It is the country woman’s one vacation in the year, and we are planning here at State College to make it a joyous one.”

“As your girls and boys to help with your work while you are gone, and I believe they can arrange those few days for you; and the whole household will be better for your vacation. Women, if we are to be interesting to our husbands and children, we need a little inspiration and new experiences, and it is worth every effort we can make to get them.”

Monday, July 8, 2013

Farm and Home Week at N.C. State, 1953

“Farm Festival Brings 2,000 to State College” as published in Extension Farm-News.

Grand marchers at the 45th Farm and Home Week are part of the 1,720 farm men and women who registered. The 82nd Airborne furnished the music.

For the first time, this year’s “vacation-education” at Farm and Home Week was held in June (8-11) to avoid a conflict with harvest.

On the opening night, delegates honored Chancellor and Mrs. J.W. Harrelson with gifts and a reception in Reynolds Coliseum.

Tuesday, classes for men and women began. Among the classes were those taught by famed Home Economists Beth Peterson of Dupont, Wilmington, Del., Kathryn Niles of the Nation Egg and Poultry Board, Chicago, and Mrs. Mildred Seaber, Duke Power. Home demonstration specialists and club members taught other classes.

The classes for men featured demonstrations by the Agronomy Department in Williams Hall and the Plant Pathology Department in Gardner Hall.

Tuesday evening, D.S. Weaver, Extension director, urged North Carolina’s farmers to take advantage of their opportunities and raise the state’s per capita farm income. Entertainment was by the famed Echo Inn Cloggers and Pandhandle Pete of Henderson County, the Dixie Melody Boys of Nash County, and the Pitt County Quartet. State Recreation Leader Lonnie Powell led the delegates in games and square dancing each evening.

Wednesday morning the classes and demonstrations for men and women were repeated.

On Wednesday afternoon pioneer farm leaders led in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Extension Service. Among those appearing on the program were Miss Wylie Knox, president of the State Home Agents Association; S.L. Lowery, farm agents’ president; Director Weaver; I.O. Schaub, former dean and Extension director; L.Y. Ballentine, commissioner of agriculture; State Home Agent Ruth Current; Mrs. Eugenia P. VanLandingham, president of the national Home Agents Association; R.E. Jones, State Negro agent; Bobby Parker, 4-H’er of Macclesfield; Mrs. H.M. Johnston, past president of the Home Demonstration Clubs; and C.S. Bunn of Spring Hope. F.H. Jeter, extension editor, had charge of the program.

Wednesday night, Phillip Aylesworth, assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture, filled in for J. Earl Coke, assistant secretary, who had been scheduled to address the group.

All day Thursday, some 300 farm men attended a Swine Day at the State Fair Arena. The Department of Animal Industry stressed economical production of pork in its program.

Meanwhile 1,200 women attending the 27th annual meeting of N.C. Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs were hearing Mrs. Ivy B. Priest, United States treasurer, and electing officers. Mrs. Charles Graham, Linwood, Route 1, is the new president; Mrs. E.P. Gibson, Laurel Hill, first vice-president; Mrs. J.C. Berryhill, Charlotte, second vice-president; Mrs. Charles Benson, Pantego, recording secretary; Mrs. L.J. Cannon, Canton, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. J.B. Wooten, Princeton, treasurer.


“The Colonel” is not an honorary title. It is one that State College Chancellor J.W. Harrelson earned—like he earned the thanks that rural Tar Heels gave him during Farm and Home Week. He won his military rank in the service of his country, this “thanks” in the service of his farm people. Wherever farm families went on State College’s campus this month, they saw the best in brains, building and equipment, all at work to give rural North Carolinians a better life. The Colonel was responsible for much of what they saw. He retired September 1, but he told his farm friends to look for him around the General Assembly in ’55, where he will “probably be lobbying for agriculture.”

Photo Captions:
RECEPTION, tree and luggage for the Colonel and his lady on opening night, Ruth Current, left, and Bob Shoffner, right, do the honors.

FARM officers are W.A. Connell, president; F.S. Sloan, secretary; Loy Howard, vice president. E.V. Vestal, second vice president, and F.H. Jeter, publicist, not pictured.

TREASURER of United States Mrs. Ivy B. Priest, left, poses with outgoing state HD president Mrs. R.L. Yancey and new President Mrs. Charles Graham, right.

VACATIONING at Farm and Home Week, Mrs. Lillie McDougold, Lumber Ridge, Route 1, selects a post card.

POPULAR class was this one in crafts. Mrs. Roy Lee, Murphy, shows Mrs. Henry Sawyer, Currituck, and Mrs. J.W. Davis, Randolph County, how to make a doll.

PORK was king at day-long program. W.L. Brown shows carcass quality.

GOLDEN anniversary of farm demonstration work was celebrated in a Wednesday afternoon ceremony. Pioneers in North Carolina Extension, the 82nd Airborne Band, and massed chorus made the afternoon memorable.

CONSERVATION is the subject of USDA’s Phillip Aylesworth’ Wednesday night presentation.
PANHANDLER Pete and Echo Inn Cloggers had the crowd shouting for more.

COOKING by a professional, Kathryn Niles, Chicago home economist, gives Withers Hall classes a high goal.

AGRONOMIST N.T. Coleman explains new soil conditioners as farmers see for themselves in Williams Hall.

FARM editors Miles Hughley, Charlotte Observer, and Bill Humphries, Raleigh News and Observer, cover the four-day event.

MASSED Home Demonstration Chorus sings at Women’s Federation Day program. Lenoir and Richmond Counties were awarded the top prizes in WPTF’s choral contest. Lenoir was judged the best women’s group and Richmond the best mixed-voice choir. Second places went to Mecklenburg and Pitt.

Friday, July 5, 2013

North Carolina's Battle for Independence Started in 1771

North Carolina's first battle for independence occurred in 1771 in Alamance. To read about it, visit this page in the North Carolina History Project:

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mrs. Dickson of Ashe County on July, 1943, Cover of Carolina Co-operator Magazine

The lady on our cover this month is Mrs. T.E. Dickson of Ashe County. The photo was taken by Lewis P. Watson of the Extension News Office at N.C. State College.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Farm News Across N.C., July 1956

“Around the State” as published in the July 1956 issue of Extension Farm-News

Marvin McCoy of the Lee Jeffers section of Person County agrees that it usually pays to follow a county agent’s advice. Negro County Agent C.J. Ford says that he recently visited McCoy’s farm and the farmer pointed out a particular cow, explaining that she is the granddaughter of a cow that Ford persuaded McCoy to buy several years ago.

McCoy says that the cow cost him $165 and “I thought it was a fool thing to do, but I didn’t say anything about it.”

Now he says he would have been very foolish not to have taken Ford’s advice. He says he sold the original cow for $265, sold the Community Bull Association one of her purebred registered bull calves for $200, and sold farmers in the county two heifers at a nice price.

The offspring of the original heifer is giving a “10 gallon bucket of milk twice a day,” and isn’t for sale at any price, declares McCoy.

Turkeys, like small children, seem to spend a good portion of their time just looking for dangerous situations. The wise turkey grower can anticipate some, but not all, of these. Marvin Burns of Sanford, Route 4, thought he had his poults pretty well protected, but one night he forgot to put a lid on a feed drum, and 30 of his young birds jumped into it and smothered, Zane Futrell, assistant county agent, reports.

Add another convert to the “silo congregation.” He’s James Speer of Boonville who fed 15,000 pounds of silage to each of his cows last year, and in return received an extra 1,295 pounds of milk from each, reports County Agent R.D. Smith.

C.S. Randolph of Nebo, Route 1, thought he was “left out in the cold” as far as growing tobacco was concerned, when he bought a McDowell County farm which had no tobacco allotment. But then he heard about aromatic tobacco. R.H. Crouse, State College Extension agronomy specialist, says that Randolph is growing an acre of aromatic tobacco this year for the first time. Crouse points out that present methods of handling and curing aromatic tobacco make this type of tobacco attractive to many farm families.

Stinston Revels of Lumberton, Route 3, found out to his sorrow that 2,4-D isn’t particular which broad-leaved weeds it kills. He sprayed a field of corn next to his tobacco field and the weed killer drifted enough to damage 1 ½ acres of tobacco. G.T. Rodgers, assistant county agent, advised Revels to set a plant between the damaged tobacco and break the tops out of the old plants to let a sucker come out.

Willie Childers of Taylorsville, Route 4, has run across some bugs which aren’t very nice. They’re called harlequin cabbage bugs. Alexander County Assistant Agent Haskell L. Shealy says that Childers dusted with 20 per cent Sabadilla dust, which made good (dead) bugs of them.

Waitus West and his son, Tommy, of Fremont, Route 1, definitely saw the value of a farrowing crate demonstrated recently. Wayne County Assistant Agent William S. Lamm says that the Wests were building two crates, but two sows farrowed at the same time before both crates were finished. The sow which was placed in the crate saved 13 out of 14 pigs, while the one farrowing under an ordinary shelter saved only 8 out of 12.

Mrs. J.B. McNeil of the Pleasant Grove Community saved 200 pounds of fertilizer on her corn, but she isn’t a bit happy about it. C.J. Jones, assistant Negro agent in Sampson County, relates that Mrs. McNeil gave a helper instructions to put 400 pounds of 5-1-1- under her corn and plant it. After the corn was up, Mrs. McNeil discovered 200 pounds of fertilizer in the shed. Further investigation revealed that the helper put only 200 pounds under the corn. Jones advised her to put the other 200 pounds on when she cultivated.

Things aren’t always at they seem, B.E. McLamb of Clayton, Route 1, will swear to that. Johnston County Assistant Agent W.G. Maxwell says that McLamb had an 8-acre field of wheat last year. When the field became green this year, McLamb thought the wheat had volunteered. He had the field measured by the A.S.C. office and top dressed it, hoping to make a good crop of wheat. He made a good crop all right—one of the prettiest crops of rye grass around.

W.A. Mahoney, superintendent of the Columbus County prison camp, admits that his guineas may be noisy fowl that don’t lay many eggs, but they do have a long suit. County Assistant Agent Victor H. Lytton says that Mahoney’s guineas roam over the fields at the prison farm. And as they go, they gobble up insects at a terrific rate. They’re so good that Mahony says he wouldn’t trade them for a hundred pounds of insecticide.

Dewitt Richardson of Randleman, Route 1, is thoroughly convinced now that a good boar can really make a difference in the profit and loss column. Randolph County Assistant Agent E.M. Stallings says that Richardson is using a Minnesoto No. 1 boar for the second year. He also bought another boar and used him for half his 30 sows the last breedings. The sons and daughters of the Minnesoto boar were larger, there were fewer runts, and the litters averaged three more pigs.

The value of a good Ladino clover-fescue pasture was recently dramatically illustrated to Buck Turner of near Jackson in Northampton County. Assistant County Agent Bruce H. Woodard says that Turner, a dairyman, started letting his dairy cows graze the lush new pasture for the first time this spring. His milk average of 85 pounds for winter quickly jumped to 105 pounds. Yes, he’s planning to expand his pasture program soon.

A junked automobile may not be pretty, but it can be useful. Walter Jarmon, a Negro Farm and Home Development Family of Trenton, Route 2, converted an old car into a brooder for 115 chickens, which he started in the spring. Negro County Agent Fletcher Barber reports Jarmon lost only one chick, and the lot averages two pounds now. He will freeze the roosters and save the pullets for egg production.

John Lee Wilder of the Mitchiners community, Franklin County, agrees that a little nitrogen goes a long way on grass pasture. Assistant County Agent L.C. Hasty says that Wilder had one pasture with a fair stand of fescue but no clover and no grazing. He applied 200 pounds of 20.5 per cent nitrogen early in March. “The nitrogen fertilizer really paid off in early grazing and increasing feed production,” Wilder enthusiastically proclaims.

It looks like school is being conducted in the Charles Ferguson home in Holly Springs community. Macon County Assistant Agent Roy W. Isley says that Ferguson put up a bulletin board and black board on which he posts information on livestock, hay, and other farm products he has for sale. He also lists machinery he plant so use so that the family can answer inquiries from neighbors wanting to borrow machinery. Now there’s no misunderstandings when the man of the house is not at home.

Onard Winters, test demonstration farmer at Elk Park, is convinced that a small farmer can compete with the big mechanized farmer. But only if he utilizes his time between crops. Avery County Agent Sam Cartner says that Winters is developing a small nursery, has 10 beef cows, produces one-half acre of burley tobacco, two acres of beans and cabbage, and enough hay to feed his cattle. It’s a safe bet that Winters stays busy all year.

Even a stubborn sow can offer little resistance to the machine age. Jones County Agent J.R. Franck says that a sow belonging to I.H. Eubanks of Trenton, Route 1, can attest to this. Franck says that Eubanks wanted to move the brood sow from one lot to another but several attempts to drive her failed. Not to be outdone, Eubanks passed several ropes under the sow’s body while she was eating corn, and attached the ropes to a power lift on his tractor. Then he lifted the protesting sow off the ground and deposited her safely in the other lot.

Norvil Clonts, 13, of Glen Alpine was selected forester of the week at the 1956 North Carolina 4-H Forestry Camp at Millstone. Clonts received the honor and a briefcase as a reward for scoring the highest on a written examination given near the end of the week-long event. He competed against 95 other 4-H Club members. Delegates chosen from the camp were the 4-H Club members with the outstanding forestry records in their counties last year.

J.A. Ward, Rose Hill farmer, was elected chairman of the N.C. Farm Electrification Council at its annual meeting held at State College in late May. Ward succeeds J.N. Howard of Greensboro. Other new officers are James McBrayer, Williamston, vice chairman; and H.C. Klose, Raleigh, treasurer. E.S. Coates of Raleigh was relected secretary.

Dr. D.W. Colvard, dean of the School of Agriculture at N.C. State College, judged the Holstein cattle show at the National Livestock Exposition, Lima, Peru, May 16-19. While there he conferred with a School of Agriculture research team on assignment in Peru.

Mamie Whisnant, Extension home management specialist, has won a scholarship to attend an Agricultural Extension Workshop in family financial management at the University of Tennessee. Twenty-eight scholarships, valued at $100 each, were given by the Institute of Life Insurance to personnel in the southern states and Puerto Rico.

Dr. J.W. Pou, head of the department of animal husbandry at N.C. State College, was one of the five agricultural college leaders who selected the 10 outstanding agricultural college students to receive Ralston Purina Fellowships for graduate study during the 1956-57 school year. Pou met recently in St. Louis to assist in the selection.

Dr. J.M. Jenkins, research professor of horticulture at State College and breeder of the “smoothie” cucumber, was selected “Tar Heel of the Week” by Raleigh’s News and Observer recently.