
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rowan County Extension Homemakers' Achievement Day, 1986

This photo was printed in the Salisbury Post on Oct. 3, 1963, (Post Staff Photo by Barringer). Elected to the Rowan County Home Demonstration Clubs Council are (left to right) Mrs. Elmer B. Lagg, president; Mrs. J.W. Shulenburger, vice-president; and Mrs. W.C. Smith, secretary. Mrs. Herbert Baker, treasurer, is not in the picture.

 Rowan County Extension Homemakers Reach Out in 1986
Salisbury Civic Center
October 21, 1986

We welcome you to the annual Achievement Day of the Rowan County Extension Homemakers Association. We serve as the volunteer arm of the Agricultural Extension Service with the purpose of education through programs.

Presently we have 27 clubs with 545 members in Rowan County. This total membership includes 56 new members gained since January 1, 1986. Our clubs are open to all persons regardless of race, color or national origin.

In addition to our program of work achievements, which will be presented today, we participate din the Home and Living Show, March 22 and 23, sponsored by the Agricultural Extension Service, with demonstrations, crafts displays, membership recruitment, and desserts.

The Executive Board has initiated and participated in the following:

--A joint club yard sale, April 19, netted $563.05.

--Mayfest, May 3, consisted of wok cookery demonstrations and membership recruitment.

--Open House-Balloon Launch on May 7, featured pasta-making demonstration, exhibits, a slide presentation depicting the four facets of the Agricultural Extension Service, and the proclamation of National Extension Homemakers Week in Rowan County by Hall Steel, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Miss Bessie Julian, 93, was a charter member of this organization, which began as a tomato club.

--Encouraged an overview study of the U.S. Constitution. This idea was brought back from the National Extension Homemakers conference in 1984 in Louisville, Kentucky. Booklets consisting of 150 questions and answers were distributed compliments of Congressman Bill Hefner, Eighth Congressional District.

--Appointed Carolyn Lampron as coordinator of the newly organized Extension Homemakers Chorus of Rowan County. Jean Poe serves as pianist. Their first performance is today.

--Our letter writing campaign to congressmen in support of restoring the total Extension budget.

--Our membership recruitment committee has been organized with overall co-chairmen and seven division chairmen. This was encouraged by N.C. State President Mozelle Parker, whose major goal in 1986 is to gain new members in all 100 counties in North Carolina.

It has been a joy serving as Extension Homemakers County Council President, 1985-1986. We invite you to join this organization and benefit from the vast knowledge it provides for the citizens of Salisbury and Rowan County.
      --Mary Glover Aycoth, Rowan County Council Extension Homemakers


1986 Council Officers
President Mrs. Mary Glover Aycoth
First Vice President Mrs. Ann Miller
Second Vice President Mrs. Margaret Shulenburger
Recording Secretary Ms. Rose Holshouser
Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Ruby Young
Treasurer Mrs. Ruby Young
Advisor Mrs. Nora Sifford

50-Year Members and 50-Year Clubs Recognized

Cress Club 50-Year Members: Isaline Cress Morgan, Velma Cress Shoe

Elm Grove Club: Lola Bost, Mattie Brown, Leona Taylor

Enon Club: Frankie Barber, Mary Chandler, Ruth Kincaid

Fink & Yost Club: Anna Funderburk, Loma Funderburk, Wilma Funderburk

Granite Quarry Club: Annie Baker, Jeannette Dunlap

Liberty Club: Emma Arey, Kathleen Eagle, Margaret Shipton, Bertha Trexler

Locke Club: Pauline Shives

Patterson Club: Edna Houck, Myrtle Yost, Eleanor B. Wilson, Mary F. Wilson

St. Paul’s Club: Pearl Casper, Ruth Earnhardt, Lottie Honbarger, Annie Julian, Bessie Julian (79-year member), Margie Page, Sadie Ritchie

50-Year Clubs: Cress Club, Enon Club, Fink & Yost Club, Patterson Club

1986 Outstanding Extension Homemaker Recognition
Rowan County VEEP Winner: Rose Holshouser
State A&P Leadership Award Winner: Rose Holshouser
State CVU Certificate Awardees: Judith Austin, Becky Cozart, Ruby Parris

1986 Perfect Attendance for 25 Years or More
Cleveland Club: Mildred Moore
Ellis Club: Mrs. Henry L. Shuping (33 years)
Five Forks Club: Essie Kirk (34 years)
Franklin Club: Mary Owen (40 years)
Granite Quarry Club: Annie Bell Baker (42 years), Tryphenia Beatty, Genevia Davis, Jeannette Dunlap (42 years), Merle Lowe, Mrs. Wilbert Martin, Mary Ponds, Juanita Sheck, Loraine Strawder (42 years), Bertha Turner (37 years)
St. Paul’s Club: Ruth Earnhardt (31 years)

1986 Reading Certificates
Faith Club: Polly Deal
Elm Grove Club: Joyce Coley
St. Paul’s Club: Mary Ruth Bernhardt and Mrs. Carl Julian

Extension Homemakers Gave Support To:
4-H Clothing Camp Scholarships ($65)
American Cancer Society Fund-Raising Campaign ($1,022)
Rowan Extension Homemaker Scholarship ($300)
Mission Air
Adopt-a-Student Program
Shut-ins in various communities
Christmas Happiness Fund
Dr. Eloise Cofer Family Living Lecture Fund
Favors for Nursing Homes
Pennies for Friendship
Nickels for National
Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program
Clothing for the needy
Financial support for needy families in various communities
Rowan County Department of Social Services special projects
Veterans Administration Medical Center
Nazareth Children’s Home
Financial support to local Volunteer Fire Departments
Food baskets for the needy

Needlework and Shoe Fund Project
The Department of Social Services extends special thanks to all clubs who participated in this project for needy children. Some 323 articles, blankets, and garments were constructed by the following clubs: Corriher, Cress, E. Spencer, Ellis, Elm Grove, Enon, Faith, Fink & Yost, Gold Hill, Liberty, Locke, Mt. Ulla, Rockcut, Southside, St. Paul’s, and Union Grove.

St. Paul’s Club contributed the most items (47). The Department of Social Services Shoe Fund contributions were $263.42.

Volunteer Service to Veterans
173 Extension Homemakers volunteers over 847 hours at the Veterans Administration Medical Center during 1986. Volunteer services were rendered through projects of chapel flowers by 17 clubs on 20 Sundays, sewing for patients with 18 clubs sewing 26 times; patient birthday parties by 26 clubs; water therapy assistance by 3 volunteers; $400 donated to fund special activities; and 138 Extension Homemakers gave 549 hours of service as occasional patient volunteers.

A special thank you to Mrs. Flossie Reeves who has represented the Extension Homemakers as their VAVS Coordinator of Activities at the VA Medical Center. VAVS Advisory Committee Representatives were Mrs. Reeves, Gerri Butler and Ruby Parris.

1986 Cultural Arts Exhibit Contest Winners

County Winners:
Fiber Arts, Dot Williams, Faith Club
Quilting: Myrtle Briggs, Rockcut Club
Handcrafted Toy: Polly Deal, Faith/Organ Club
Basketry: Polly Deal
Weaving: Dot Williams, Faith Club
Creative Writing, Poetry: Addie Miller, Enon Club
Needle Crafts: Myrtle Briggs, Rockcut Club

District Winners:
Quilting: Myrtle Briggs
Needle Crafts: Myrtle Briggs
Creative Writing, Poetry, Addie Miller

1986 Rowan County Extension Homemakers Scholarship Winner
The local $300 scholarship was awarded to Samuel B. Goodman, who is attending the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Special Club Highlights; Service to the Community
Corriher Club sold greeting cards and food flavoring to raise money to provide magazine subscriptions for a rest home.

Cress Club visited and shared sunshine baskets, fruit baskets, and cards with community shut-ins and sick persons.

Elm Grove Club contributed financially to community families with traumatic illnesses and delivered 16 boxes of homemade cookies to shut-ins.

Enon Club assisted at the VA Medical Center with craft classes. Shirley Roseman purchased 30 pairs of shoes and donated them to DSS needy children project. Addie Miller coordinated the out-of-state county tour to George. Club members toured Thyatira Presbyterian Church.

Faith Club gave memorials to community churches in memory of deceased club members, gave food baskets during the holidays to needy families, and the club held two auctions and sold cards as fund raisers.

Fink & Yost Club contributed to a community center patient.

Franklin Club donated money to help a needy family, worked with the Lions Club in an all-day feed in May as a community project; held a yard sale and paper drive to raise money; gave a birthday party for nursing home patients, and raised money to supply draperies for the Franklin Community Building.

Granite Quarry Club hosted three birthday parties for Nazareth Children’s Home youths, hosted youths in their homes during the holidays, and contributed clothing to the Nazareth Home Thrifty Shop.

Happy Homestead Club offers members support through “Secret Sisters”; supplies food to family if a member is hospitalized; and gives baby showers and bridal showers for members.

Liberty Club visited shut-ins and fixed “sunshine baskets and held “show and tell” crafts.

Locke Club used their club savings and contributed to church and special funds and will continue to decorate the historical Hall House at Christmas.

Mt. Ulla Club remembered deceased members with two local church memorials, prepared and served two meals to Mt. Ulla Lions Club as a fund-raising project for the club and the Mt. Ulla Volunteer Fire Department.

Organ Club donated financially to community people with family illnesses, gave clothing to a child, made a quilt and sold it, donated to a child with leukemia, collected and sold newspapers as a fund raiser; and club members toured Old Salem in Winston-Salem.

Rolling Hills club donated toiletries to two nursing homes, gave Easter goodies to community youths, hosted trips to Myrtle Beach and Pottery, held a club Halloween party, and for certain events presents a member “Courtesy Award.”

St. Paul’s Club members assisted with services at the Lutheran Home.

Special Community Recognition

Cleveland Club: Katherine Carr was honored by Toastmasters’ Club with Governor’s Award for Excellence, inducted into their Hall of Fame and awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Support of Toastmasters’ International in Communication and Leadership. She also received the Helen Yandell Award for Outstanding President in District 37 in Toastmasters.

Cress Club: Mrs. Blayne Morgan received VIP Award for volunteer work at Knollwood Elementary School. Mrs. Wayne Pegram, Chairman of Adopt-a-School at China Grove Elementary School, received an award for volunteer work.

Franklin Club: Mrs. Thelma Morgan was honored by Duke Power Company Retirees Club as having the most years worked by a woman with Duke Power (47 years continuous service).

Granite Quarry Club: Mary Ponds was named Mother of the Year in Granite Quarry community.

Locke Club: Bonnie Goodnight was recognized as “Woman of the Church.”

St. Paul’s Club: Catherine Safrit was recognized for her work with the literacy program.

Union Grove Club: Gerri Butler received a plaque from Military Order of the Cootie, Honor Legion of Veterans of Foreign Wars, for being outstanding president in North Carolina.

And finally, the Rowan County Extension Homemakers expressed appreciation to Miss Amelia J. Watts and Mrs. Lillie R. Tunstall, Home Economics Agents; and Ms. De Fisher, County Extension Secretary.

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