
Friday, November 1, 2013

Should Farmers Be Allowed Cooperative Production, Marketing, Financing? 1935

Bureau Farmer: The Voice of Organized Agriculture, November 1935

To Argue AAA Case Before Highest Court

The economic case of the American farmer, when he appears before the United States Supreme Court to argue his right, under the Agricultural Act, to organize for co-operative production, co-operative marketing, and co-operative financing, will be handled by the American Farm Bureau Federation, nation-wide organization of thinking farmers, it is announced by Edward A. O’Neal, president of the Federation.

In the preparation of the brief on the validity of the Agricultural Adjustment Act and its processing tax principle, Donald Kirkpatrick, general counsel of the American Farm Bureau Federation, will be assisted by Frederic P. Lee of Washington, D.C., said Mr. O’Neal in announcing Mr. Lee’s retention by the Federation.
Mr. Lee drafted the Agricultural Adjustment Act. He has had a lifetime of experience in agricultural legislative matters and has represented the Federation and its allied farm groups in many of its legal battles.

“We shall do everything in our power,” said Mr. O’Neal, “to prove not only the acute need for the complete justification for the Agricultural Adjustment Act as an instrumentality through which our farmers can organize the economic machinery affecting the production, marketing, and financing  of their own crop.”

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