
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Farm Bureau Honored Frank Jeter, N.C. State Extension Editor, 1946

Citation read with presentation of certificate of meritorious service to agriculture by North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation, in Winston-Salem on Feb. 8, 1946

The robot, dream mechanical man of science, is still in the laboratories and on the drawing boards, but we have with us tonight his original human counterpart. The scientist wants of the robot, which he has not yet been able to perfect, a walking, talking, broadcasting, writing family man with a yen for public service, a man who can go on and on with never any more pushing than a little oil for his joints.

The State College Agricultural Extension Service has had such a man for 30 years. This human dynamo is by the record a whole lot of dynamo, but even more human. A native of South Carolina, born a farm boy and subsequently a graduate of Clemson College with a degree in agronomy, this man has created by ability and hard work a farm news service which is recognized as the best in agricultural circles.

Driving through war years and peace with the same unfaltering degree of alacrity has won for him a mark of merit on the scrolls of every farm organization in the South and top spot among Extension editors in the nation. So, because of his tireless effort and perpetual success in the field of information, the Farm Bureau is happy to present a certificate of commendation to Frank Hamilton Jeter, editor of the Extension Service, who with his charming wife, the former Miss Irene Albert of Atlanta, is our guest tonight.

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