
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Local Activities in Watauga County, February 1919

“Local Affairs” from the Feb. 6, 1919, issue of The Watauga Democrat

Mrs. Newton Greene has been quite sick since Monday. However, she is now improving.

Rev. M.A. Adams of Canton, former beloved pastor of the Baptist Church in Boone, is in the county for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Cook and family, of Todd, were visitors in Boone Sunday, returning to their home on Monday.

Rev. S.E. Gragg of Shulls Mills recently sold his Patterson Hodges farm to Mr. Roby Adams, the consideration being $5,000.

There will be a meeting of the stock holders in the Brushy Fork cheese factory, held at 2 p.m. next Monday. Full attendance is desired.

Sunday came a-shinin’ and Monday came a-snowin’, yet some of the people still disbelieve in the ground hog as a weather prognosticator!

Mrs. Dr. Harden of Shulls Mills, with her little son, returned home Saturday after a visit of a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Hardin.

Dr. E. Glenn Salmons is off to Baltimore, Md., on business. His wife and little boys visiting at the home of his mother on Route 1 during his absence.

Mr. G.C. Winkler of the New River Stock Farm is preparing to erect a barn which, when completed, we are told, will be second to none in the county.

Four cases of flu in the family of Mrs. Cora Norris just east of the village, but they are all improving. The greatest care is being taken to prevent any spread of the disease from the stricken family.

Chas. Main of Tamarack, who was recently taken home from Shulls Mills with flu, died of the disease soon after his arrival. His wife contracted it, and on Monday last she passed to the great beyond leaving five small children on the cold charities of the world. A most pitiable case, this.

Sherman Bentley, carrier on the star mail route from Valle Crucis to Boone, was lodged in jail here Tuesday charged with an attempted assault upon the person of a little daughter of Mr. Jesse F. Robbins. His bond was fixed for preliminary hearing at $2,000, in default of which he was placed in jail. No particulars.

Dr. L.E. Farthing, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Farthing, who, for a number of years, has been practicing his profession in Pittsboro, Chatham County, has moved to Wilmington, his reason for moving being to avoid the long rides over muddy roads. His practice in Chatham has been heavy, and he leaves that good county with regrets.

Mr. Wm. L. Trivett of Route 1 returned from Raleigh last week, where he attended the annual meeting of the grand lodge of Masons. On the night of his arrival he developed a typical case of influenza, and now his entire family is down with the disease. Mrs. Todd, his mother-in-law, is the only one to look over the comforts and needs of the afflicted family.

Mr. Conrad Yates of West Riverside and Miss Annie Hendrix of Stony Fork were married a few days since and are now in Boone, where they will locate permanently. Just now they are at the Critcher hotel, and Mr. Yates will, just a little later on, open up a mercantile business here. On behalf of their many friends, The Democrat extends congratulations to the popular couple. The people of Boone are delighted to have them locate in their midst.

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