
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bigamists On Trial, 1919

The Independent, March 14, 1919

Two Bigamists Face Jury Here Next Week

Henry Lefferts Eischter, a young soldier who was married here in November, was committed to the county jail this week in default of $1,000 bond, on a charge of bigamy. This gives the Superior Court two bigamy cases to try when it convenes here next Monday, March 17. Romaine Brace, a comely young naval officer, has been in jail here for several months, awaiting trial on a similar charge. Both of these young men, having been taken away from civil life and home environments to serve the colors, found it rather convenient to take on new wives. North Carolina’s lax marriage laws and the proximity of Elizabeth City to the Norfolk naval base gave them the opportunity to get into trouble.

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