
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Give Women a Husband and Home Instead of the Vote, 1914

As published in The Times-Dispatch, Richmond, Va., Sunday, March 22, 1914

Husband Instead of Vote

Candidate for Congress Announces Antisuffragist Plan

Special to the Times-Dispatch

Washington, March 21—John Basil Barnhill, Democratic candidate for Congressman at large from Illinois, as an antisuffragist, announced here today his platform “A husband and a home for every woman.”

“Woman undoubtedly has a grievance,” said Mr. Barnhill, “but man has the same grievance. Double the wages of the men and you have solved both grievances, for then practically every woman can leave industry and take care of a home. I believe that nine-tenths of the women would rather have a home and a husband than to have the vote.”

Mr. Barnhill says he has received threats from suffragists if he persists in his candidacy for election to Congress.

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