
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Negro Farm Families in Nash County Win State Honors, 1956

“Nash County Receives Award for Progress Among Negroes” in the March 1956 issue of Extension Farm-News

HONORS AND CASH went to Nash County recently when it was named by a state committee as the county in North Carolina making the most progress among Negro farm families. William Poe, associate editor of Progressive Farmer, turns over a check for $500 to Dr. W.T. Gibbs, acting president of A.&T. College, Greensboro.

Nash County recently received an award as the county in North Carolina making the most progress among Negro farm families. The award is presented annually by Dr. Clarence Poe, editor of Progressive Farmer magazine.

William Poe, associate editor of Progressive Farmer and son of Dr. Poe, presented the winner’s check for $500 at an awards banquet in Nashville Negro High School on February 28.

Nash County won out over Pender, Wayne, Bertie, and Franklin counties in the finals of the contest in which 66 counties participated last year. The State Board of Agricultural Agencies and Organizations help determine the progress of the counties involved each year.

Scoring was done on the basis of desirable adjustments in agriculture; improvements in homemaking and family living; community improvements; opportunities for rural youth; and cooperation of all agencies, groups and individuals.

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