
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Not All Young Men Who Leave Home Do As Well As Herman Crump, 1914

From The Watauga Democrat, Thursday, March 12, 1914, R.C. Rivers, Proprietor

Mr. Herman Crump, a fine young man from Caldwell County, but now residing in Wisconsin where at Racine he is studying to be a machinist, is at home with his father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Millard Crump of Rocky Knob. Tis worthy couple of the good old timey sort, whose home is every ready to receive the way faring man, the front door never barred, the back door unlatched. It is pleasing to meet our mountain boys who following the advice of Horace Greely to “go west,” return to the old home, having “made good.”

It thrills the heart to shake hands with such boys, but how one’s heart aches to think of how some of our boys, for lack of proper parental training go wrong and every man’s hand against them, pitching headlong into the outside world are caught in the whirlwind of disregard for public opinion and consequent loss of self-respect, and, like Cain, become “wanderers” upon the face of the earth, haunted by an ever present fear of detection, arrest and subsequent incarceration, all because one parent, maybe both, failed to delay the boy gratification of a foolish whim or the furtherance of a selfish aim.

A school for teaching parents how to train their children would not be amiss in this day of utter disregard for the right of the child to be taught his duty toward the parents and toward the government under which he was born.

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