
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Judge in the Political Fray, 1919

By W.T. “Tom” Bost, from the Elizabeth City Independent, April 18, 1919

Gardner Gets a Manager
Judge Crawford Biggs, on the Superior Court bench from 1916 to 1911 [maybe it should be 1906 to 1911?] going to manage Max Gardner’s gubernatorial campaign and interest is renewed.

Judge Biggs was the first beneficiary of the famous “Fifth District Combine” which was to make Kitchin governor; A.L. Brooks, congressman; Biggs Judge; and E.J. Justice attorney general. The first three tricks were easy enough, albeit Brooks got into a party row and was beaten after getting the nomination.

Biggs left the bench and returned to private practice. He is yet young and able to organize a colossal campaign for Gardner. The judge recently returned from California where he was in the United States Department of Justice.

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