
Thursday, April 17, 2014

'Today's Home Builds Tomorrow's World' 1948

From the April, 1948, issue of Extension Farm-News, published by North Carolina State College, Raleigh

“Today’s Home Builds Tomorrow’s World” is the theme for National Home Demonstration Week, May 2-8, when rural women throughout the United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico will survey the work of the past year, study the special needs of their own communities, counties, and state, and will try to assess the resources open to them in bettering today’s home for a better world tomorrow.

According to Miss Ruth Current, State home agent, North Carolina’s 60,000 homemakers are busily engaged making plans for programs calling attention to the progress made in family living since home demonstration work was initiated more than 33 years ago.

Centering their thoughts around the theme of this year’s big week, Miss Current states that these women will hold special meetings, take tours to improve homes, stage exhibits, prepare articles for the radio and newspapers and conduct several broadcasts themselves to bring before the people the values resulting from cooperative effort and team work and the needs for future efforts in the building of more efficient homes.

The progress these women have made during the past several years is highly commendable, Miss Current declared. They are becoming more conscious of better health and nutrition for their families. They have answered the calls for more food conservation and preservation. They have equipped their homes with modern conveniences and helped to beautify the surroundings of their homes, communities and cities for a more happy way of life. This year will be no exception, because as they review what they accomplished during the past year, new projects will be discussed, new ideas will be carried out in their homes and even greater attention will be given toward making Today’s Home Build Tomorrow’s World.

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