
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Bethpage Home Demonstration Club Celebrates 10th Anniversary, 1954

The May 2, 1954, issue of the Daily Independent, Kannapolis, had two stories about the 10th Anniversary of Bethpage Home Demonstration Club

Bethpage Home Demonstration Club Saturday celebrated its 10th anniversary with a party in Memorial Center.

A skit entitled “Welcome Neighbor!” highlighted the program which got underway at 5 p.m. with past presidents of the organizations forming a receiving line.

Organized in 1954 with a membership of 32, the club has steadily grown. With virtual curtainment of building during the war years, it was not until 1951 that a permanent building could be constructed for use by the group. The center was named in honor of the young men and women of the community who served in World War II.

“Welcome Neighbor!” will be presented Wednesday, May 5, at 10 a.m. over radio station WEGO. The skit, written by Mrs. Ernest Brown and directed by Miss Irene Rumple, portrays the first visit of several community women to a newcomer in the neighborhood. Taking part on the program will be Mrs. Billie Overcash, newcomer; Mrs. Ray Brown, Mrs. John Vanpelt, Mrs. Ralph Williams and Mrs. Edward Overcash, visitors.


The Bethpage Home Demonstration Club celebrated the tenth anniversary of its organization with an Open House at Bethpage Memorial Center Saturday evening from 5:30 to 8 o’clock.

In May, 1944, 32 women of the Bethpage community gathered at the home of Mrs. George Oehler for a conference with Mrs. Mabel R. Blume, the Cabarrus home agent, to discuss the possibilities of organizing a Home Demonstration club.

At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Blume left an organized club, the largest in the county, with Mrs. R.N. Johnston as president, Mrs. Oehler, vice-president; Mrs. Gillie Smith, secretary; and Mrs. Ernest Brown, treasurer.

The first few meetings were held in the afternoon but the demand for a night meeting soon became evident since so many of the members worked away from home. The third Friday night of each month was chosen for a set date for the meetings.

Mrs. George Oehler succeeded to the presidency in 1946 for one year and Mrs. Ernest Brown filled out her term of office in 1947.

Under the direction of Mrs. William Sims in 1948, a community playground was planned for one portion of the church farm property. On this was built an outdoor furnace.

The members had for several years thought of the possibility of building a clubhouse and began to work toward that cause.

Several plays were presented by the group to raise funds. A baby popularity contest was held, magazine subscriptions and advertisements were sold. Many suppers were served to various clubs by the women of the community and bake sales were held regularly.

In 1950 the officers of the club asked the church officials to rent or give them permission to place a building on the church property. This permission was granted and in June 1951 the building was started. Under the capable direction of Mrs. Ray Brown, as president, and an able corps of advisors who served as a building committee, the present clubhouse was erected.

After due consideration, the club members voted to name the house Bethpage Memorial Center, as a memorial to those of the community who had served in World War II.

The building was first used in November 1951 for a club meeting. Since that time pine paneling, a public address system, cabinets, furniture and kitchen equipment have been added.

A water system was added in 1952 by the men of the community and screens were placed at the windows.

Mrs. Gillie Smith was elected president in 1953 following Mrs. Clegg Eudy. Under the direction of Mrs. Smith, more kitchen equipment was purchased, a soft drink vendor, electric stove, hot water heater and more recently a rubber tile covering for the kitchen floor.

In 1953 the Bethpage club was chosen the Club of the Year of Cabarrus County and presented a loving cup which is proudly displayed in the Center. The choice was made by a point system in which the clubs were awarded points for their activities carried on during the year.

At the present time there are 44 members of the club. Officers are Mrs. Gillie Smith, president; Mrs. Ernest Brown, vice-president; Mrs. Gip Rumple, secretary; and Mrs. J.R. McKinley Jr., treasurer.

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