
Thursday, May 1, 2014

North Carolinians Aren't Enlisting, 1947

“National Guard Drops Summer Training Plans” from the Saturday, May 10, 1947, issue of the Statesville Record Landmark

RALEIGH—North Carolina’s National Guardsmen, less than 10 per cent of the state’s quota, gave up plans for a summer encampment today after Adjutant General J. Van B. Metts announced enlistments were too low to hold a 15-day training course.

Units which have been organized are not properly equipped for an encampment, Metz added.

The summer training could include only units which had been inspected by April 15, when the North Carolina guard had only 465 officers and men out of a quota of 13,000.

Later enlistments have raised the strength in 15 units and the total will rise to 1,200 when other units complete their organization in a few weeks, he said.

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