
Saturday, May 31, 2014

What to Do With Dirty, Tired, Almost Naked Little Orphan Boy With Broken Shoulder, 1933

From the May 20, 1933, issue of Happy Days, the authorized weekly newspaper of the Civilian Conservation Corps. Happy Days was privately owned, and not published by the U.S. government.

Co. 880 Plays Godfather to Little Lad Found Injured and Almost Naked

A crew from Co. 880, Center, Texas, was working about 45 miles from camp when they came across a little orphan boy with a shoulder that had been broken for about a week, with no chance of getting it set. He was dirty and tired and almost naked.

The foreman was in a tight spot. He had to abide by regulations by refusing to let the little fellow ride back to camp with the boys. But as the truck started, one enrollee threw his hat off. When the truck stopped to let him get it, the kid was smuggled aboard and in this way brought back to camp.

The camp surgeon, Capt. B.R. Galbraith, acting under the authority of the C.O., Capt. G.J. Luebben, took the little fellow in hand, scrubbed him clean, and set the shoulder.

The whole company then took up a collection and brought their “charge” enough clothes to last him for the rest of the year. Most of them took the last remaining part of the five bucks to chip in for the “babe in the woods.”

Hats off to this bunch of true men and gentlemen.

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