
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I.O. Schaub and Jane McKimmon In the News, June 1937

DEAN I.O. SCHAUB, director of the State Extension Service, who introduced principal speaker Harold d. Cooley at the Annual Meeting. Dean Schaub has served as public director of the Cotton Association for the past three years, and on the day of the annual Meeting General Manager Mann read a communication from Governor Clyde R. Hoey reappointing Dean Schaub to the post he has filled so well.

DR. JANE S. McKIMMON, assistant director of the State Extension Service, who was nominated as director-at-large of the Farmers Cooperative Exchange at the annual meeting. In making the nomination, Mrs. E.L. Shearon of Wake Count y declared that she thought the farm women of the state should have more representation in the FCX as well as in other farm organizations. The 2,500 assembled farmers and farm women signified their agreement by a rising vote.

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