
Thursday, June 5, 2014

No Votes for Women, Say N.C. Democrats, 1914

“Only One Vote for Suffrage” from the June 5, 1914, issue of The Sun. The state of North Carolina did not approve the amendment that allowed women to cast ballots until 1971.

North Carolina Democrats Reject It and Also Referendum

Raleigh, June 4—Gov. Craig led a successful fight against the initiative and referendum in the Democratic State convention here to-day and the platform committee declines to offer the plank to the convention. The Democratic mass meeting had endorsed the measure.

The convention was nearly unanimous against woman suffrage. The first suffrage resolution ever offered in this State was hissed and jeered and voted down. Only the introducer supported it. Senator Overman, who had been renominated for the Senate, cheered with Gov. Craig when the proposal failed.

A plank favoring statewide primaries was voted down by 572 to 268. The Progressives appealed for the adoption of the plank in the name of Bryan, Daniels and Wilson and quoted a letter President Wilson wrote recently to a Raleigh Progressive, in which Wilson lamented North Carolina’s lack of primary law.

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