
Saturday, June 21, 2014

On the Democrat's Slate in Watauga County in 1900

“Democratic County Convention” from the Watauga Democrat, June 7, 1900, Robert C. Rivers, editor and proprietor

On Thursday of last week the Democrats of Watauga county met in convention at the court house in Boone, and after the regular business of nomination of a full legislative and county ticket has gone into the with the following result:

For Representative—Edgar S. Coffey
For the Senate, 30th Dist.—Wiley H. Swift
For Sheriff—W.L. Hendrix
For Register of Deeds—Calvin J. Cottrell
For Surveyor—Jones C. Greer
For Coroner—Thomas F. Cook
County Commissioners:
Hugh A. Dobbin
Will W. Holsclaw
James P. Taylor

The convention was largely attended, and harmonious in every respect, there not being the least quibble of any kind in the nominations….

The following resolutions were drafted and unanimously adopted:

We the Democratic party of Watauga county, in convention assembled to hereby affirm and reiterate our adherence to the principles of the great Democratic party, and we do hereby resolve:

1st. that we will use our best efforts to promote the cause of good government, and denounce and contradict in unmeasured terms the false doctrines of the present campaign which are being promulgated by the Republican leaders.

2nd. That we heartily endorse the action of the legislature of 1899 in taking steps for the betterment of the dominant race whereby a large portion of the colored race in North Carolina are to be eliminated from politics.

3rd. That we endorsed the enactment of the election law as passed by the last legislature, and believe it to be just and fair.

4th. That we heartily endorse the platform and principles laid down by the Democratic State Convention which assembled in Raleigh on the 11th day of April 1900, and we believe that the nomination of Hon. Chas. B. Aycock by said convention was a wise and good choice and that he will make a prudent an deficient executive of whom the whole state will be proud.

5th. That we do most earnestly endorse the candidacy of Hon. E.F. Lovell for Congress in this district, and if nominated we pledge to him our hearty and undivided support.

A further resolution was passed giving Capt. Lovill the privilege of selecting his own delegates to the congressional convention to be called hereafter.

Respectfully submitted, T.P Adams, J.C. Fletcher, T.L. Lowe, Committee

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