
Monday, July 14, 2014

Farmer Disarms and Dunks Teen Who Aimed Rifle At Him and Is Fined for Assaulting the 13-year-old, 1920

From the July 23, 1920, issue of the Elizabeth City Independent.

Dr. F.W. Lowry, a prominent farmer, fruit grower and bird fancier whose farm and orchards are near the city limits, was fined $15 in the Recorder’s Court Monday morning for an assault on 13-year-old Harry Rollinson, a son of S.M.S. Rollinson. The evidence was that young Rollinson and another boy were shooting frogs with a rifle in a pond near the Lowry place. Dr. Lowry came upon the boys and accused them of stealing peaches and plums from his orchard. He threatened to take them to their parents, whereupon young Rollinson aimed the rifle at him. Dr. Lowry chased the youngster into the pond, soused his head in the mud and otherwise terrified him.

Dr. Lowry has the finest orchard in this section and has established the greatest temptation for small boys in this vicinity.

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