
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Laying Off Workers in Alamance and Durham Counties, 1939

“Thirty-Three Are To Be Cut Off WPA Roll in the County” from the Tuesday, July 25, 1939, issue of the Burlington Daily Times-News

Number is Smallest in District; More than 250 Must Go From Durham County

The number of persons who are to be cut from Alamance county WPA rolls under the new 18-month ruling was increased to 33 today through the publication of a new list by James McGheady, head of WPA operations for the district which includes this county.

More than 250 persons, most of them in Durham county, are being sliced from the rolls under the ruling which provides for temporary dismissal of all persons other than war veterans who have continuously been on the rolls for 18 months or more.

Persons taken off are eligible to apply for reinstatement after the expiration of a month under provisions of the congressional act.

A previous list of Alamance county persons affected placed the number at 24, however, is among the smallest of any in the district.

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