
Friday, July 25, 2014

'MIss Burlington Goes Shopping' Column Combines Social News With Promotion of Products, 1934

“Miss Burlington Goes Shopping” from the July 2, 1934, issue of The Daily Times-News, Burlington, N.C.

Already numerous flags of this old U.S.A. are seeing the light of day, after being carefully put away since the last patriotic celebration. Fire crackers, gaily decorated store windows, and cars suggest to the shopper that ‘tis two days before the Fourth of July. Parades, days at the beach, and other short trips will contribute to the celebration of the day. With the red, white and blue dancing before my eyes, I have visited our shops and behold, my friends, I bring you good news of great Fourth of July specials!

Speaking of beaches, I found some of the most attractive bathing suits at the United Dollar Store! All wool…two pieces…from 96 cents to $2.98. The colors are lovely, and each suit has some particularly nice feature. Picture yourself in one of those swell $2.98 suits, and picture vacationists “sitting up and taking notice.” Becoming and water-proof caps, and beach sandals are also to be found in this up-to-date store. 

Oh, by the way, before buying your Fourth of July outfit, see the drastically reduced summer dresses and complete your wardrobe for practically nothing. It will amaze you to see this huge stock of merchandise…all with prices looking like Johnnie’s birthday cake after the party….CUT! What Specials.

It’s always fun to shop in the summer time. So many people are casually doing the same thing, and there is always time for a chat in the drug store, or even on the street. In the winter, everyone seems to be in a hurry, and no wonder, with the breezes blowing 50 miles an hour.

Mrs. A.D. Pate was a shopper down town this morning…and a little later, I saw Mrs. M.B. Smith.

Have you ever enjoyed a vacation in uncomfortable shoes? I’ll bet you haven’t. With your comfort in mind, I searched the stores for a shoe famous for comfort. Found it, too. The Vitality Shoe is a health shoe. Its built-in arch, and narrow heel insure just the right support and fit, and if your Fourth of July trip, or any other, demands walking, dancing or just lounging around, you’ll find this shoe ideal. The Quality Shop carries black ones and white ones in ties, straps…and PUMPS! They are all lovely. It isn’t every day that you find a pump which combines the two, beauty and comfort.

Seen from my car or as I dashed from a store…Lynette Warren…and a bit later, Ida Baker Williamson.

I had the pleasure this morning of meeting Katherine Conley of Marion. She is the attractive guest of Mrs. Wano E. Thorpe, and I drove down town with Mrs. Thorpe, Miss Conley and Miss Frances DuRant. All were looking lovely in cool, summer frocks.

After nosing around in all the corners of Quinn’s Furniture store, I discovered a Fourth of July special that sounds like the explosion of a sky rocket. It’s just so wonderful as the most complicated fire-works, too. During this week, Mr. Quinn will present a gift to every one who buys a suite of bed room furniture…and the gift…wait until you hear about it…it’s a boudoir chair, covered with attractive ruffle around the bottom. What a gift! But wait, you haven’t heard all. During this week you may buy one of those genuine maple, walnut or mahogany bed room suits for $5 down payment. The rest? Oh, the easiest terms you ever heard. Mr. Quinn has any style you want, and prices range from $60.50 to $125.

Mrs. Ben R. Sellars is spending two months in Montreat, at the Assembly Inn. Mrs. Walter R. Sellars is also spending the summer at her cottage there. Mrs. Bailey Sellars and pretty baby, of Athens, Ga., are her guests while Bailey is in Europe. I hope they will return by way of Burlington.

Mrs. H.W. Trollinger has as her guest Mrs. J.P. O’Brien and Miss Nancy O’Brien of Hamlet.

I saw Mrs. Herman Gibson this morning. She and Herman have recently returned from a trip to Louisiana, and their nephew, Billy Vice, of Monroe, returned with them. They report a wonderful trip.

Saw Mrs. Allen Cucullu and Mrs. Jack Austin down town this morning. They spent the weekend in Lynchburg, Va., as the guests of Mrs. Cucullu’s parents. Allen, Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown were also members of the party.

Have you seen the swell new feature lights over the Carolina Theatre? New York has nothing better, and it does more to make our city look like one than anything that has been done. It is symbolic, too, of the fine service both the Carolina and Paramount give to the city. Both theatres furnish the only really cool spot to spend these warm afternoons and evenings, to say nothing of the entertainment, which is always the best…and newest. An example—I happened to find myself in one of our larger cities an evening not long ago, and thought a movie would be fun. After driving by four theatres, I returned home… I had seen all of them, either in our Carolina or Paramount. You can’t beat them!

Shoes…I understand that the brother of one of our most attractive and popular girls (blonde) will announce his marriage soon. Sorry, I can’t give you all the details, now.

It is too bad we do not see more of our Graham friends. It’s really our loss, too, you know. I had the pleasure of meeting a group of that city’s attractive daughters the other day, and I must say I do not know when I’ve enjoyed being with a group of girls more.

Hot and weary, after hurrying around all afternoon, I dropped by the Coca-Cola Bottling works, for a visit with Miss Cleo Bankhead, and she very graciously offered to revive my spirits be bringing forth a bottle of that drink most suitable for these hot afternoons. After enjoying the coca-cola, I felt more equal to more searches for more specials. And that isn’t the first time.

We arrived for a bridge club meeting the other day…one of our warmest afternoons…and the thoughtful hostess served us coca-colas right off the ice. Boy, she saved the day, lowered our temperatures, and improved our bridge…(even money, and nothing else has). Try keeping a crate of coca-colas, with a number of bottles on ice, and see how these warm days are made more livable.

I understand that Carolyn Andrews is spending the week in Chapel Hill, where she is the guest of Frances Andrews. For one so attractive, I predict a happy visit.

Rev. and Mrs. W.A. Cade and family left this morning for Myrtle Beach, where they will spend July. Mr. Cade will return Friday, but the others will visit Mrs. Cade’s sister at her cottage during the month. In fact, Mrs. Cade’s family plans a reunion with 25 members attending.

Special! Extra Special!! The S.P.U. has done it again! They’ve declared a special that is more than a special…it’s a…well, see for yourself. The Southern Public Utilities company is having a special campaign on Modern Electric Ranges that make it possible for you to buy one for 19 cents a day. These statements are remarkable facts, but until you have seen one of these ranges, you can’t really appreciate this offer. They lighten one’s kitchen duties 100 per cent, and improve the appearance of your kitchen. Do drop by the S.P.U. and take a look.

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