
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Murray Family Reunion, Mebane, N.C., July 1939

“Mebane News” by Virginia Baker from the Tuesday, July 25, 1939, issue of the Burlington Daily Times-News

Murray Family Reunion

The annual family gathering of the Murray family was held at the home of Clay Murray near Baynes Store, 15 miles north of Mebane, on Sunday, July 23.

Fifty-nine of the kith and kin of Greensboro, Danville, Laurinburg, Burlington, Reidsville, Wagam and Mebane gathered at 10 in the morning and spent the greater part of the day in delightful fellowship.

The following members of the immediate family were present: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Vincent, Mrs. L.C. Patterson of Durham, Mrs. J.A. Murray and Mrs. A.M. Turner of Danville.

Clay Murray called the gathering to order for the formal program at 11 o’clock.

The devotional service was led by John Barnwell of Burlington, and E.S. Murray of Laurinburg read a most interesting history of the Murray family.

The presiding officer appointed a committee composed to John Barnwell, W.A. Murray, Mrs. D.M. Davidson of Gibsonville, and Mrs. Ralph Vincent to decide on a place and a time for the next annual meeting. The committee met during the noon hour and decided to meet next summer at the Cross Roads Presbyterian church on July 4th.

After the program the happy families gathered under large oak trees in Mr. Murray’s yard, where a table had been erected in the shape of the letter M. The decorations for this table were most delicious foods in great abundance and variety.

During the later afternoon there was an old-fashioned watermelon slicing, when everybody had a half and then some if he wanted it.

Mrs. Nancy Averitt of Chapel Hill came home for the week end to attend the Murray reunion at Clay Murray’s home. Her mother, Mrs. R.W. Vincent, is a sister of Mr. Murray.

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