
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Police Looking for Man Who Pretended 11-Year-Old Was His Wife, 1907

An Outrageous Affair” from the Watauga Democrat, Thursday, July 25, 1907

On Friday evening last Avery Powell, with the 11-year-old child of Mr. Robert Tolliver, both of Tree Top, Ashe county, came to the home of Mr. Cam Blackburn, this county, palmed themselves off as man and wife, and spent the night as such. Early Saturday morning a ‘phone message from the parents of the little girl notified Register May not to issue marriage license to the couple. Foot-sore and early they arrived a few hours later and applied for the coveted papers. On being refused, they left, going in the direction of Shull’s Mills. In less than an hour after they left, two men, relatives of the child, hove in sight, and soon procured a warrant for Powell, charging him with abduction. The warrant was placed in the hands of Officer Blankenship, who captured his game near Foscoe.

The couple was taken back to Mr. Blackburn’s without any trouble whatever, but the trouble was soon to follow. Two brothers of Powell, with others, appeared on the scene later in the night and demanded the release of the prisoner which request was promptly complied with, and the young man who is guilty of an awful crime is again at large. The father of the unfortunate child was in town Monday and told us that every effort possible would be put forth to recapture Powell. He has deposited $100 cash with the Bank of Ashe as a reward for the man or men who will affect his arrest; and the Governor will be asked to offer a like reward.

This is a most outrageous affair and we certainly do hope to hear of his arrest and to know that all the punishment provided in such cases has been meted out to him.

The little girl when last heard from was still confined to her bed as a result of the episode.

The prisoner was wrested from the custody of the Ashe county men; not from the officer who made the arrest.

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