
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Comings and Goings of Local Folk, Watauga, Aug. 25, 1921

 “Local Affairs” from the Watauga Democrat, Thursday, Aug. 25, 1921

Court Monday week.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Austin E. South last Wednesday night a baby girl.

The Boone Trail Highway is again being given a thorough machining by Mr. Conrad Yates.

The fall term of the A.T.S. opened Tuesday morning, with a large student body in attendance.

Misses Hattie and Ruth Bingham of Amantha are spending a few days visiting friends and relatives in Johnson City, Tenn.

Misses Lillie Beach and Carrie Bingham of Mast and Amantha, respectively, were pleasant callers at our office last Saturday.

Mr. John F. Harden attended Sunday school and preaching last Sunday for the first time in more than two months, owing to a severe hurt he received on one of his legs.

Mr. T. Hlll farthing is now a happy man, his wife and little son having arrived, and the trio are comfortably located at the pleasant home of Mr. Farthing’s sister, Mrs. J.M. Moretz.

Mrs. Dr. Anders and the children left for their winter home in Gastonia, the doctor’s mother, who makes her home with him, remaining in Watauga for the present.

Rev. W.A. Stanbury of Wilmington, who with his family is visiting his parents in Boone, will preach for Rev. Brinkman in the court house next Saturday. Mr. Stanbury is a fine preacher and being a native-born Wataugan we are all justly proud of him. Hear him.

M. Shaler Gilley returned from Statesville Saturday where his wife underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Long Sanatorium last week. He tells us that she passed through the ordeal well, and was getting along very nicely indeed.

On June 22, Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Schmit left Seattle, Wash., in a Ford car bound for Watauga, to visit the lady’s father, Mr. James Andrews, an inmate of the county home, and arrived here on Aug. 2. Save the replacement of some casings the little machine made the trip in good shape. Tell this to Henry Ford.

The little 15-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Winkler fell down the stairs at their home on Saturday and broke the chin and jaw bones. The distressed young parents left early Sunday for Statesville, taking the little sufferer to Long’s Sanitorium, hoping to get the delicate piece of surgery performed that they could not get done locally.

Mrs. Conley G. Brown, who has, twice before, taken treatment at the State Hospital at Morganton, was remanded to that institution on Monday of last week, she being in a terrible condition, mentally. Mrs. Brown, formerly Miss Bessie McGhee, is a splendid woman and her many friends are distressed at the return of her mental derangement.

Mr. R.H. Beckton and little son Harrison Beckton of Goldsboro are visiting relatives in Statesville and Stony Point.

Rev. and Mrs. R.E. Huey of Lake Placid, Fla., who are spending the vacation at Huntersville, were visitors in Statesville this week, guests of Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Austin on Richmond Hill. Mrs. Knox of Huntersville was here with Mr. and Mrs. Huey.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Tomlin and daughters, Mary Norman and Joyce Tomlin; Mrs. Tomlin’s niece Jean Montgomery of Charlotte; and Mrs. Albert Fanjoy and children left Wednesday morning for Wrightsville Beach to spend some time. They have taken a cottage at the beach.

Mrs. W.L. King and children have gone to Rock Springs to attend a camp meeting. They expect to return Monday.

Misses Mildred and Dorothy Steele of Cleveland are visiting Miss Hannah Bryant at her home on the Turnersburg Road.

Mrs. Harry Abernathy and little son Harry Abernathy Jr. and Mrs. Abernathy’s mother Mrs. W.L. Frazier of Hickory left today for Lamar, S.C., for a visit to Mrs. G.G. Harris.

Mrs. Walter Penley and Miss Elizabeth Fox of Asheville are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Moore.

Mr. Harry Padgett, manager of Belk’s department store, will leave Saturday for New York on a buying trip for his store. He will be away for a week or 10 days.

Mrs. S.H. Garrison and Mrs. Frank Powell and children, Donald and Ray Powell, spent Tuesday in Derita, attending the Garrison reunion. Mrs. Powell and children returned home the first of the week from Asheville, where they spent a week with Mr. Powell. Little Janie Neal Powell remained in Asheville for a few days’ visit to her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garrison.

J.H. Wall Jr. of Burlington is visiting Clifton Troutman Jr.

Mrs. R.E. Armfield went to Elkin Wednesday to spend two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. R.M. Chatham.

Mrs. Geo. R. Eaton, Misses Hessie Blankenship, Mabel Poston and Lucy Howard will go to Asheville today to attend a Bible conference at Ben Tappen. They will be accompanied to Asheville by Miss Adelia Fleming, who will visit Mrs. R.P. Smith.

Miss Elizabeth Mills has returned home from Mocksville, where she visited Miss Dorothy Blanton.

Miss Jewel Hipps, who has been visiting Miss Caroline c. Long, and Miss Louise Killian, who has been the guest of Miss Mary McElwee, returned Wednesday to their homes in Waynesville.

Mrs. I.T. Mann and daughters, Misses Marguerite and Frances Mann of High Point, who have been visiting Mrs. Mann’s sister, Mrs. G.A. Lazenby, returned home Wednesday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Lazenby, Misses Corelli and Percie Lazenby and Glenn Lazenby Jr., who will visit Mrs. Lazenby’s mother, Mrs. H.C. Pitts in High Point.

Mrs. John I. Fairly and son, John L. Jr. of Richmond, who have been visiting Mrs. Fairly’s mother, Mrs. E.G. Gilmer, and her sister, Mrs. Clarence Stimson, left Wednesday for Laurinburg to visit relatives of Mr. Fairly before returning home.

Mr. Neil S. Sowers of the law firm of Land & Sowers, has gone to Chapel Hill to study the new bank legislation under Professor Roscoe Turner Steffens, who is considered one of the leading authorities in the country on banking laws.

Miss Elba Henninger has returned home from Boston where she conducted the Little Theatre term of the Curry School of Expression.

Mr. Jimmie Moore of Raleigh is spending a few days here with his grandmother, Mrs. C.P. Moore.
Miss Melva Lyerly of Asheville is visiting Misses Phyllis and Ella Connor.

Mrs. G.C. Bernard of Kannapolis is spending this week here as the guest of Mrs. J.M. Deaton. Mrs. Bernard, prior to her marriage, was Miss Ruth Brooks, and was formerly a member of the city schools faculty.

Miss Helen Moore of Charlotte and Miss Sylvia Livingstone of Wilkesboro are guests of Misses Frances and Arleen Somers at their home on Buffalo Shoals road.

Mr. J.H. Hall Jr., who has been visiting his parents here, has returned to Blacksburg, Va., where he is a member of the faculty of Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Rev. Payne Brown of Charleston, West Virginia, is here for a visit to his father, Rev. Dr. E.D. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Cochran Sr. have returned from a motor trip to points in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. They visited Bluefield, Huntington, Wheeling and other points in West Virginia; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Princeton, N.J., and stopped in Kimball, West Virginia, to see Mrs. J. Bruce Cockran. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran were away for a week

Miss Kathryn Johnston of Hickory is spending two weeks here visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Waugh and other relatives and friends. Miss Johnston returned the first of August from a visit to the Century of Progress in Chicago.

Mrs. Lee Rankin of Statesville and her sister, Mrs. James Lowrance of Mt. Ulla spent the weekend at Wrightsville Beach.

Mr. L. Spiro left Monday for New York on a buying trip for his store. He will be gone about 10 days.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hendley of Greensboro are visiting Mr. Hendley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Hendley in Statesville and Mrs. Hendley’s father, Mr. H.M. Harris at Elmwood.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralph Harris of Wilmington, Delaware, are visiting Mr. Harris’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harris in the Loray community.

Mrs. T.W. Ruffin and three daughters of Raleigh are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Crowell.

Mrs. W.M. Barringer has returned from a visit to friends in Erwin. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Boyd and sons, Bill, Dick and Bob Boyd, who returned to Erwin Wednesday.

Mr. Worth Barrow of Gastonia spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Martie Barrow on Fourth Street. Mr. Barrow holds a position with a music company in Gastonia.

Mrs. J.H. Cornell and sons, James and John Cornell of Wilmington, Delaware, are here to spend a week with Mrs. Cornell’s mother, Mrs. J.F. Anderson.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown and daughter, Miss Nina Brown of Troutman, left Tuesday for Chicago to visit the Century of Progress Exposition.

Miss Requa Duke of Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Cornelia Duke of Raleigh are visiting their mother, Mrs. J.C. Duke.

Miss Ruamie Squires of Wake Forest is visiting Misses Hazel Herndon and Sue Stuart Moore.

Mr. Allen Knox is at home from Los Angeles, Calif., where he spent the past two years.

Mrs. Idell Bailey of Statesville has returned home after a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. B.P. Sherrill.

Miss Lucile Stevenson is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W.B. Norris in Turnersburg.

Mrs. J.L. Watts has returned from a visit to relatives in Deep Gap, Watauga county.

Misses Margaret and Barbara Boland are visiting friends in Concord.

Mrs. J.W. Walters has returned from a three week’s stay in Greensboro with her daughters, Misses Lillian and Rebecca Walters. Miss Lillian Walters accompanied her home for a two weeks’ vacation.

Miss Pink Matheson returned Monday to Kannapolis after spending a week at her home here.

Rev. D.A. Oakley of Lenoir spent Monday night here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lazenby.

Miss May Stevenson of the Davis Hospital staff returned to Statesville Tuesday after spending a week here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Stevenson.

Mr. John Fox and son, Mr. Horace Fox, and Mr. T.L. Tomlinson and son, Mr. Charles Tomlinson, went to the mountains last Thursday to spend some days. They are camping near Jefferson.

Miss Rachel Oakley of Lenoir has returned to her home after spending a week visiting at the home of her friend, Miss Rosemary Wooten. Miss Wooten returned with her to spend a week in Lenoir.

Mr. James Barrier left last week for a visit to relatives in Pennsylvania and will return by way of Washington, D.C., to visit her sister, Mrs. N.H. Kendell.

Little Miss Laura May Wooten is spending this week in Statesville at the home of her uncle, Mr. Oscar Mills.

Mrs. W.C. Lackey and son, Mr. Jack Lackey, returned last night after spending a few days in Winston-Salem at the home of Mrs. Lackey’s daughter, Mrs. Paul Mechum. 

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