
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

State Farmers' Convention in Raleigh, 1907

“State Farmers’ Convention” from the Aug. 22, 1907, issue of the Watauga Democrat. A&M College in Raleigh is North Carolina State University, and a stereopticon is an early version of the slide projector.

The fifth annual meeting of the State Farmers’ Convention will be held at the A&M College, Raleigh, N.C., on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 28th, 29th, and 30th, 1907.

The cheap railroads already in effect and fact that rooms and meals will be furnished those who desire them at the college at actual cost and that an attractive program is assured should result  in making this the largest gathering of farmers ever held in the State for the study of strictly agricultural problems.

The features of the opening sessions, Wednesday morning at 10:30 o’clock, will be an address of welcome by Governor R.B. Glenn, and the annual address of the president by Ashley Hore of Clayton.

Wednesday afternoon will be devoted to the study of corn and small grains, and instructive addresses will be made by prominent farmers and agricultural teachers.

Wednesday night at 8:30 o’clock there will either be an address by some speaker of note or a stereopticon lecture illustrating modern methods of progress and development in agriculture. Thursday forenoon will be taken up with the study of horticulture, fruit growing, trucking, etc.

Thursday afternoon there will be special meetings for the growers of cotton and tobacco. Splendid programs have been prepared for both meetings, and Director North of Washington, D.C., will be present and discuss the collection of crop reports or some kindred subjects.

Thursday night at 8:30 o’clock will occur one of the most attractive features of the convention. Hon. W.M. Hays, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., will deliver an address on Improvements in Rural Affairs.

Friday will be livestock day. The morning session will be devoted to the annual meeting of the State Dairymen’s Association and a very entertaining and instructive program has been arranged. Professor Ed H. Webster, Chief of the Dairy Division of the United States Department of Agriculture, will be present and address the meeting. Friday afternoon will be devoted to the study of general livestock problems and the organization of a State Live Stock Company.

There is another feature of the convention which should not be overlooked. On Thursday and Friday there will be special meetings for the women from the farm homes, and a splendid program of an entertaining and instructive nature already issued insures a good time to those who attend. Those wishing further information relating to this feature of the convention should write to either Mrs. F.L. Steven, President, or Mrs. Walter Grimes, Secretary, at Raleigh.

Complete programs of this important farmers meeting will be issued shortly and every farmer in the state who can possibly do so will find it to his interest and enjoyment to attend this meeting.

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