
Monday, September 15, 2014

J.M. Shull on the Death of David Greene, 1911

Letter to the Editor by J.M. Shull of Valle Crusis, from the Watauga Democrat, Boone, September 28, 1911
To the family and friends of David Greene, who died at Valle Crucis Thursday the 15th, I, as W.M. of his Lodge, wish to say that I am sorry and feel humiliated that I could not attend his burial and pay the last tribute of respect that was so justly due him.
It was not because we did not love him, nor was it because he was not worthy, but his death occurred at a time when my own daughter was at the point of death and had been for days, hence my inability to attend.
Indeed I am sorry, for David was a man I loved, having known him for years. I admired the type of manhood that he possessed. He was a model of honesty and truthfulness; was a true Christian and loyal member of our noble order. He had no enemies and numbered his friends by those who knew him.
To his family we extend our sympathy and condolence, and we would admonish his friends and acquaintances to follow the example of David in his quiet and humble Christian life, hoping to meet him where the Supreme Ruler of the universe forever presides.
                --J.M. Shull, Valle Crusis

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