
Monday, September 29, 2014

Local News From the Watauga Democrat, Sept. 1, 1911

“Local News” from the Watauga Democrat, Boone, September 1, 1911

--Miss Mattie Horton is visiting relatives in Jefferson.

--Prof. A. Masters of Mitchell county has been in town several days.

--The board of county commissioners will be in session next Monday.

--George P. Hagaman, cashier of the bank, visited home folk on Beaver Dam last Sunday.

--James. W. McGhee is at home from Sparta for a few days where he has been working on Alleghany’s new court house.

--Sorry to hear that friend Thomas Jones of Sands is confined to his home suffering from a severe attack of typhoid fever.

--Profs. D.D. and B.B. Dougherty are attending the annual meeting of the County Superintendents of North Carolina at Chapel Hill this week.

--I will be in Boone during court week prepared to do your watch work. Shop at Richard M. Green’s. Give me a call. Silas M. Green, Jeweler.

--C.C. Farthing, after spending a few days with his parents in New River, has returned to his work in Virginia, much improved in health.

--The Walnut Grove brass band will give a concert in the court house in Boone on the night of Sept. 8, 1910. Come out and hear some good music.

--Owing to the continued dry weather there is still a considerable amount of hay uncut in Watauga, which is something rather unusual for Sept. 1.

--Mrs. Emma Setzer of Colletsville, Caldwell county, with her two little children, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manley Green on Meat Camp.

--Dr. L.E. Farthing, wife and babe, John Watts, Jr. of Pittsboro, this state, are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Farthing, the doctor’s parents on New River.

--Nelia Folk, colored, received a letter Monday bearing the sad news that her son, George, who was reared here, had been shot down at some point in West Virginia without a cause. No further particulars received by us.

--Mrs. Thomas Tugman Jr. died at her home on Meat Camp last week, leaving twin infants only a few hours old. The little ones, we are told, are still living and thriving nicely.

--Each member of Boone, Blowing Rock, Snow and Ashlar Lodges, A.F. & A.M., the owners of the picnic property, is urged by the secretary to bring or send a basket of lunch to our annual picnic on Sept. 9 as a very large crowd is expected.

--Presiding Elder Ashe of the colored Methodist church held quarterly conference in the colored church here last Saturday and Sunday. The elder is a very good talker indeed, and seems to have the spiritual welfare of his people at heart.

--Bennett Elliott of Silverstone, who has been in a Charlotte sanitarium for some time for treatment, passed through town Tuesday on his return home and we take it that he is permanently cured as he was carrying a grip through the rain.

--On last Saturday night Mr. Thomas W. Hopkins, formerly of Elk Park, was married to Miss Lillie, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greer of Middle Fork. She is a graduate of the A.T.S.; has taken a course at a business college and is a graduate in stenography and typewriting. The groom is to be congratulated on winning for himself such a charming bride.

--Hons. Charles H. Cowles and R.L. Doughton, Republican and Democratic candidates for Congress, will have a joint discussion of the political issues of the day during the noon recess of court on Tuesday, Sept. 18. As this is probably the only opportunity our people will have to hear the candidates in joint discussion, we hope the people will, as near as possible, all turn out and hear them.

--Mr. Calvin Church of Valle Crucis, after several months of declining health, died at his home last Sunday and was buried with Masonic Honors on Tuesday. Deceased moved to this county from Wilkes many years ago, has reared a large family, was a member of the M.E. Church South, and always took a lively interest in all things looking to the betterment of his community or the county at large. May he rest well after his long pilgrimage.

--Mr. George McGhinnis, who has been visiting his sons at Elberton, Wash., since last spring, returned to his home in Watauga a few days ago. He tells us that his son Nelson, who is dubbed “The wheat king of the Pelouse section,” gathered 40,000 bushels of the golden grain this year, which sells readily on the home market at 85 cents per bushel. Rather extensive farming this when you consider the fact that only seven years ago the young man left Watauga with barely money enough to pay his way to his present home.

--On last Thursday Sheriff Ragan with Deputy Jesse F. Robbins, and three citizens of Virgil, swooped down upon the illicit distillery on the head waters of Elk creek, running at full capacity, but the owners or operatives of the plant had made good their escape before the officers arrived. The still was of 50-gallon capacity, and several bushels of beer, besides the “doubling” that was being run off, was found in the shed, all of which was left intact, as the officers had no right to destroy the same. The still, worm and cap, however, all in good condition, were carried a distance of four miles, a conveyance procured and the same was brought to Boone in the afternoon, and will be sold by order of the board of county commissioners. The Sheriff has for several months been trying to locate the still and trip after trip has been made by him to that section, but he always failed to locate it. This is the first plant of the kind captured in Watauga for many years.

--On Wednesday of last week four students were expelled from Rutherford College for attempting to haze a new boy. That is good.

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