
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Caring for the Poor at the Watauga's County Home, 1921

County Homes Report by Rev. Edgar Tufts in the Thursday, Oct. 27, 1921 issue of The Watauga Democrat, Boone.

It has been our privilege to conduct services in the County Home of Watauga County several times during the past few months. The Home, as it now stands, is made up of four old buildings. They are small and weather-beaten by many severe winters. Fourteen people, the most of them apparently as old as the buildings, are now in the Home.
One of them is a colored man, nearly 100 years old. Another is a blind woman who reads the Bible with the touch of her fingers. Another woman is so drawn by rheumatism that her feet are nearer her face than her elbows. She is moved from place to place in a wheelbarrow. Another is a fine-looking, intelligent man who for 30 years has been an invalid by reason of his lower limbs being paralyzed. Another is a woman of feeble mind with three children, two of whom we have recently taken in the Grandfather Orphans Home.
So far as we could see, these unfortunate people are as well cared for as it is possible under the conditions that exist. But it will not be long until their earthly conditions will be very much improved, for Watauga County is erecting a beautiful, up-to-date brick Home for her unfortunate poor. This building is close to the road, where the inmates can see people coming and going to the county seat. And no doubt many friends will stop by to see them who would never visit the Home where it is now situated.
The example that Watauga County has set in providing a comfortable home for people who are not able to provide for themselves is one that every county in the state has not done so, ought to follow. We would love especially to see Avery County take this question up and provide a large comfortable brick Home for her unfortunate poor citizens.

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