
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sunday Was a Day of Accidents in Raleigh, 1910

“Chapter of Accidents,” from the Caucasian and Raleigh Enterprise, October 20, 1910

Mr. I.M. Deaton Seriously Hurt in Runaway…Mr. Moser and Family Barely Escape Serious Injury…Mr. Henry Carver Hurt

Sunday was a day of accidents and one well-known gentleman was so seriously injured that it was feared it would result fatally.

While driving down Hillsboro Street the wheel of a buggy in which were seated Messrs. I.M. Deaton and Robert Jones came off, throwing both occupants to the ground. Mr. Deaton’s head struck the ground with terrific force and he remained unconscious for some days. Mr. Jones escaped unhurt.

Mr. Deaton is the chief clerk in the Internal Revenue office, and is well and favorably known all over the State.

About the same time a heavy wagon crushed into the rear of a carriage in which were seated Mr. J.S. Moser and family, throwing them to the ground. Fortunately, a by-stander grabbed the horse and held it, preventing it from running away.

Mr. Henry Carver was thrown from a buggy and sustained a severe sprain of the leg, which will keep him confined to his room for some days.

Two strangers were thrown out of a buggy on Fayetteville Street by a runaway horse but neither were injured.


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