
Monday, October 27, 2014

What Hendersonville Area Teachers Earned in Past Three Months, October, 1918

“Quarterly School Report” from the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, Thursday, Oct. 24, 1918. Note that teachers’ salaries were for a quarter—three months—and that you need to divide the district total by the number of teachers at the school if you want to know what a teacher was making. The superintendent of schools was paid $100 a month. “Colored” schools are at the end of the article. “Colored” was a common term in 1918; “Black” was considered an insult and “African American” was reserved for people who were born in Africa. Also the newspaper really did print the teachers’ salary for District 5, Green River Township, as $1,200, but it’s so much larger than any other township. Maybe it’s a typographical error.

Disbursements of school funds for the quarter ending Sept. 30, 1918.

Blue Ridge Township
Dist. No. 1, Teachers salary, $90.00

Dist. 2, Teachers salary, $35.00

Dist. 3, Mrs. J.C. Byers, supplies, $2.95

Dist. 4, Teachers salary, $70.00

Dist. 4, M.M. Burgess, work on well, $4.95, and census, $2.40, (total) $7.35

Dist. 6, Teachers salary, $40.00

Dist. 7, Teachers salary, $35.00

Dist. 7, A.P. Case, taking school census, $1.95

Dist. 8, Teachers salary, $90.00

Clear Creek Township
Dist. 1, Teachers salary, $105.00

Dist. 1, Ed Pinner, work on school house, $64.35
Dist. 1, Fidelia Lyda, school census, $5.34

Crab Creek Township
Dist. 1, Teachers salary, $30.00

Dist. 2, Teachers salary, $80.00

Dist. 2, Gladys Hamilton, supplies, $4.00

Dist. 3, Teachers salary, $35.00

Dist. 4, J.B. Patterson, floor oil, $4.50

Dist. 4, S.C. Huggins, school census, $3.18

Dist. 4, H.L.F. Drake, supplies, $3.80

Dist. 5, Teachers salary, $35.00

Dist. 5, J.T. Jones, supplies, $3.75

Edneyville Township
Dist. 2, Teachers salary, $35.00

Dist. 2, Wilkie Pryor, school census, $1.47

Dist. 3, Eva Merrell, school census, $4.29

Dist. 3, J.B. Merrell, repairs, $12.30

Dist. 3, Grace Dell James, crayon, $.40

Dist. 4, Ernest Jackson, school census, $2.58

Dist. 5, Teachers salary, $30.00

Dist. 6, Teachers salary, $40.00

Dist. 7, Teachers salary, $55.00

Dist. 8, Teachers salary, $40.00

Dist. 8, Ernest Oates, school census, $1.29

Green River Township
Dist. 1, Teachers salary, $70.00

Dist. 3, Teachers salary, $35.00

Dist. 3, T.E. Morgan, election fees, $3.00

Dist. 3, Green River Mfg., co. supplies, $3.70

Dist. 5, Teachers salary, $1,200.00

Dist. 6, Teachers salary, $70

Dist. 7, Teachers salary, $170.00

Dist. 7, A.W. Russell, school census, $3.06

Dist. 7, Nannie Brock, supplies, 4.40

Hendersonville Township
Dist. 1, Teachers salary, $70.00

Dist. 2, Teachers salary, $125.00

Dist. 2, R.F. Hunnicutt, repairs, $12.20

Dist. 2, N.A. Drake, school census, $4.50

Dist. 2, Bland Hardware Co., repairs, $20.09

Dist. 2, H.A. Capps, repairs, $13.10

Dist. 3, Teachers salary, $200.00

Dist. 3, J.J. Slattry, school census, $5.97

Dist. 3 E., Teachers salary, $225.00

Dist. 3, E., P.H. Walker, fuel, $100.00

Dist. 4, W.D. Rymer, school census, $1.86

Dist. 5, Teachers salary, $60.00

Dist. 6, W.W. Wilfong, school census, $2.37

Dist. 7, Teachers salary, $80.00

Dist. 7, T.W. Anderson, work on well, $48.18

Dist. 8, T.C. Israel, note on piano, $36.00

Dist. 8, T.C. Israel, school census, $4.35

Dist. 9, Teachers salary, $110.00

Dist. 9, Globe Book Co. for desks, $28.00

Dist. 10, Teachers salary, $50.00

Dist. 10, Frances Jackson, supplies, $12.30

Hooper’s Creek Township
Dist. 1, Teachers salary, $67.50

Dist. 2, Teachers salary, $175.00

Dist. 3, Teachers salary, $35.00

Dist. 4, Teachers salary, $90.00

Dist. 4, H.S. Israel, work on well, $4.00

Dist. 4, J.F. Livingston, school census, $2.52

Mills River Township
Dist. 1, Teachers salary, $60.00

Dist. 1, J.H. Laughter, work on well, $25.27

Dist. 2, Teachers salary, [can’t read]

Dist. 3, Teachers salary, [can’t read]

Dist. 4, Teachers salary, $230.00

Dist. 4, B. Robinson, school census, $5.73

Dist. 5, Teachers salary, $75.00

Dist. 6, Teachers salary, $70.00

Dist. 7, C.G. Fields, school census, $1.65

Clear Creek Township
Dist. 1, Colored Teachers salary, $50.00

Edneyville Township
Dist. 1, Colored Teachers salary, $27.50

Hendersonville Township
Dist. 0, Colored, W.M. Robinson, school census, $3.06

Dist. 1, Colored Teachers salary, $45.00

Dist. 1, Colored, B.M. Swepson, school census, $2.23

Dist. 2, Colored Teachers salary, $80.00

Dist. 2, Colored, B.M. Swepson, school census, $1.56

Dist. 2, Colored, B.M. Swepson, supplies, $3.80

Dist. 3, Colored Teachers salary, $30.00

Hooper’s Creek Township
Dist. 1, Colored Teachers salary, $90.00

Dist. 1, Colored, Alfred Clayton, school census, $1.36

Dist. 1, Colored, M.L. Whitley, supplies and fuel, $5.35

Administration Account
Building Fund, $132.48

Superintendent’s Salary, $300.00

Expense of Office, $47.00

Home Demonstration Work, $41.67

J.C. Sales, $3.80

J.O. Bell, $7.60

J.W. Morgan, $7.80

                                J.C. Sages (?), Chairman
                                W.S. Shitle, Secretary

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