
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Aim Is to Draft Fewer Farmers, 1918

“Draft to Operate in Favor of Farmers” from the French Broad Hustler, March 28, 1918

In emphasizing the need for increased production, and the Nation’s dependence upon the farmers, President Wilson recently said:

“Out of 13,800,000 men engaged in farm industries, 205,000 men have been drafted, or about 1.48 per cent of the whole number.

“In addition to these, there have been volunteers, and the farmers have lost a considerable number of laborers because the wages paid in industrial pursuits drew them away. In order to relieve the farming industry as far as possible from further drains of labor, the new draft regulations have been drawn with a view to taking from the farms an even smaller proportion of men, and it is my hope that the local classifications with a view of lightening the load upon the farmers to the utmost extent.

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