
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Farm News From Across North Carolina, November 1935

“Around the State” from the Nov. 1935 issue of Carolina Co-operator, a farm magazine. And in case you are wondering, only 20 percent of North Carolina farmers owned a radio in 1935.

All over North Carolina farmers who have radios are turning their dials each day at 2 o’clock to get “Carolina Farm Features,” a series of radio broadcasts instituted by the State Extension Service.

The first part of the 15-minute program each day is devoted to some specialist at State college who talks on a timely subject. Agricultural news reports form the State and nation are given during the latter part of the broadcast.

The program was started over Raleigh’s WPTF, but arrangements are now being completed to enable other radio stations over the State to present the feature.

As director of these farm radio programs, Frank Jeter picked Gene Knight, a graduate of State College and a former Goldsboro newspaper man, as announcer.

Around the State
Day by day the fame of George Watts Hill’s Quail Roost Farm grows and now we read that Rowan County farmers have just bought three of his bulls.

There’s a marked increase in the production of horses and mules in McDowell County, which is in line with the good advice of Earl H. Hostetler.

If Rowan and McDowell county farmers run shy of feed for their horses and cattle, they can just turn to Lincoln County where farmers have planted more than 1,000 pounds of alfalfa this fall.

When he left that highly cooperative country of his birth—Norway—H. Sivertsen, now of Autryville, N.C. brought with him a faith in the cooperative movement and now as one of the directors of the State Cotton Association he is very active in cooperative work.

Congratulations to Nora Miller, former home agent in Pender County, upon the fine reception being given her recently published book, “The Girl in the Rural Family.“

New County Agents
Seventeen new assistant county agents and one new full county agent have been added to the State College Agricultural Extension Service staff within the past few months.

The new agent is George W. Miller of Bridgewater, Va., who went to Madison County to succeed Earle Brintnall, who has been transferred t Catawba County.

The new assistants are Edwin P. Barnes, Orange County; A.N. Harrell, Davidson; W.P. Albright, Richmond; A.S. Knowles, Wayne; S.L. Homewood, Cumberland; C.W. Overman, Nash; H.L. Riddle, Burke; W.H. Kimrey and H.G. Dargan, Alamance; Z.S. Johnson, Rockingham; C.L. Davis, Forsyth; W.H. Shearin, Columbus; Cecil M. Salley, Durham C.D. Griggs, Pitt; M.A. Morgan, Craven; W.C. Boyce, Franklin; and J.E. Zimmerman, Caswell.

Grangers from all over the State have nothing but praise for their brethren in the land of the Brushy Mountains as they return to their homes to tell the neighbors of the doings of the seventh annual Grange convention in North Wilkesboro.

“That fellow Jerman certainly knows how to give visitors a royal welcome,” was the usual comment. It referred to J.M. Jerman, Pomona Master of the Wilkes Grange, who with the cooperation of other Wilkes Grangers treated the visiting brethren to a picnic spread.

The people of North Wilkesboro also rallied to the cause of making the Grangers welcome. Many of the delegates were taken into private homes and given food and shelter. Some of the citizens of North Wilkesboro who did not have sufficient room in their homes insisted on sending delegates to the Wilkes Hotel, calling the clerk in the meantime to tell him to “send the bill to me.”

Next year’s convention is some ways in the offing, but Raleigh citizens aim to make the grangers feel right at home, too.

New Specialists at N.C. State College
Three assistant specialists have been added to the State College division of home demonstration work, Dr. Jane S. McKimmon has announced. The new specialists, with headquarters at State College are:

Miss Sallie Brooks, former Onslow County home agent for six years, assistant specialist in foods and nutrition.

Miss Mamie N. Whisnant, who was Rowan County home agent for over four years, assistant specialist in home management.

Miss Julia McIver, home agent in Scotland and Pamlico counties for five years, assistant clothing specialist.


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