
Thursday, November 13, 2014

News from Town and Country in the Watauga Democrat, Nov. 22, 1917

“Town and Country,” from the Watauga Democrat, November 22, 1917

The ‘possum crop in Watauga has been ripe for some time, and a large number of fine ones having been garnered in this immediate vicinity. One enterprising hunter having eight in a pen more than a week ago and was skill a-ketchin’ nightly when last heard from.

On Friday evening last a very interesting match game of basket ball was played in the Manual Traning building at the A.T.S., the contestants being the Lenoir and Boone teams, the result being 21 to 36 in favor of Boone. An admission fee of 25 cents was charged, the proceeds going to the Athletic Association of the school, which amounted to a very neat sum.

Mrs. R.F. Edmisten, who, some time since, returned from Rose Dale, Ind., was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Evans, of that town, who is still here and may spend the winter at the Edmisten home, just east of town. The lady was formerly Miss Ray, daughter of Mr. Wm. Ray, a former resident of this section, and her friends are enjoying her visit very much.

Is your son or brother now in the corps getting The Democrat each week? If not, we feel sure that it would be much appreciated if you will send it to them. One dollar pays for it one year, although it may follow a soldier boy to the shell-torn fields or trenches of France. Think of this, and make them feel thankful for the present from a loved one at home.

Hon. Robert L. Doughton, member of congress from this district, spent Friday night and a part of the day Saturday in the village, coming to visit his two sons and a daughter, who are in school here, but availed himself of the opportunity of shaking hands with many of his friends here. He tells The Democrat that he will move his family to Washington early in December.

Mr. A.Z. Davis, formerly of Watauga, but residing for the past three years at Post Falls, Idaho, has returned to his native hearth and proposes to make his home here again. He was a business caller at this office the latter part of last week, and told The Democrat that, since his return to Cove Creek more than two weeks ago, one of his sons has been right sick, but at that time he was thought to be improving. Glad to know that Mr. Davis and family are back in Watauga, they having had their fill of the West.

Miss Mary Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Gragg of Boone, left last Friday for Cary, Wake county, where she will engage in teaching during the winter, her school opening last Monday. The young lady is well qualified, for a long while a student of the A.T.S., and we predict for her great success in her chosen vocation.

Mr. Luther Bingham of Battery E, Field Artillery, stationed at Greenville, S.C., passed thru the village last Saturday en route to his home at Amantha, where he will enjoy a few day’s furlough. Always glad to see the soldier boys, but the return of Luther brought to mind a fact that we had over looked. There is a number of Bingham boys from the Cove Creek section now in military service, and, without exception, they are there of their own free will, having volunteered to a man. Some fighting blood in that family, sure.

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