
Monday, November 10, 2014

Patriotism and Charity, 1917

“Patriotism and Charity,” from the Nov. 8, 1917, issue of The French Broad Hustler. The Hustler, Henderson County’s Leading Newspaper.

There has never been a moment since the subscription to the first issue of Liberty Bonds bearing 3 ½ percent interest was doubled when any doubt existed in the minds of the people that the second issue, bearing 4%, would not be readily taken. The American people are business people and a third, or even a fourth issue of Liberty Bonds, if they shall yield a fairly liberal rate of interest, would be readily taken because, if for no other reason, they would offer a safe investment and it is “safety first” with the American dollar as a rule.

The bond issues thus far have been business propositions—money-making and money-saving propositions. All, or nearly all of this money is to be spent in the United States and big business, little business, the rich man, the poor man—EVERYONE—will get back many times the amount he has put in, through the ordinary channels of trade, in larger profits and higher wages than he ever dreamed of before. In the first place he will double his original investment in 17 years at 4%. In the second place, he can re-invest his money in subsequent issues at the same, or better, rate. In the third place, he will have all of America as his surety. Such an investment savors, therefore, more of good business than of patriotism, for patriotism is zealous and UNSELFISH devotion to one’s country.

The only classes not profiting thus far, financially, on account of this war are: First, the soldiers and sailors who have UNSELFISHLY subscribed and dedicated their lives to the cause; second, those belonging to the clerical forces who must remain at their desks with no salary raise to meet the 85 to 90% increase in the cost of living, yet who UNSELFISHLY stint themselves to buy a $50 Liberty Bond. These men are the patriots of the day.

Recently articles have appeared in the newspapers calling attention to the urgent needs of various orphanages of the State and appealing to the citizens of the commonwealth to set aside only one day’s earnings to this righteous cause, as a Thanksgiving offering, to be used in caring for the fatherless and motherless waifs at our own doors. We are looking forward, with interest, to learn how much will be invested in this greatest of charities—our orphan homes—which is an investment that promises no monetary reward.

We feel that every one who subscribed to the Liberty Loan from a zealous and an UNSELFISH desire to serve his country in the crisis will cheerfully answer the call to aid in this noble work at home, thus placing himself on record for performing an unselfish, charitable, Christian act, worthy of a zealous patriot, who stands for the conservation of the manhood and womanhood of North Carolina.

Citizens and patriots, take the case.

Current Comment
Let no article of food reach the scrap barrel. Conservation is the order of the day. Do your bit.

With an expenditure of two billions a month to prosecute the war, Uncle Sam will be asking for another Liberty Loan before spring. But he can get all the money needed for the asking as long as there is a dollar left in the country.

The food administration proposes to cut off supplies to all dealers who are not satisfied with reasonable margins. A step in the right direction and taken none too soon. The consumer has been the “goat” long enough.

Our people measured fully up to expectations in the second Liberty Loan campaign. When duty calls they never fail to answer.

Poor old Russia is practically “down and out.” She started out well, but traitors early in the conflict delivered her into the hands of the enemy and now the entire Russian population is sorely pressed by the Austro-German invasion. The allies will have to fight this war hereafter without the aid of Russia. Internal dissensions have been her undoing. Too many “La Follettes” over there.

The congress of the United States committed an unpardonable blunder in delaying action up on the President’s preparedness measure so long. The idea of talking all summer to enact needed legislation for the prosecution of the war is ridiculous and every obstructionist ought to be retired at the conclusion of his present term. However, this doesn’t include Zeb Weaver, the progressive and patriotic member from the 10th North Carolina district. He is not guilty.

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