
Saturday, November 15, 2014

The News from Horse Shoe, N.C., 1917

“News From Horse Shoe,” from the Nov. 1, 1917, issue of The French Broad Hustler. The Hustler, Henderson County’s Leading Newspaper.

Mrs. L.E. Davenport is confined to her room with tonsillitis.

Miss Annie Laurie Johnson is attending the Spartanburg fair at Spartanburg, S.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Moffitt of Brevard spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Moffitt.

Rev. Louis P. Jimison left Thursday for Spartanburg, where he will hold a series of meetings at Duncan Memorial church.

Miss Flora Murray, who is attending school at Brevard Institute, is visiting her aunt, Miss T.P. Jimison.

Mr. Fred Merritt of Pisgah Forest spent the week end visiting friends in Horse Shoe.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Johnson of Asheville spent Sunday with home folks.

Mrs. Alice Duncan was called to Arden Monday on account of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Polly Jones.

The new public school building is nearing completion. It is a modern, three-roo9m building, which would do credit to any community. School is expected to open in a short time. Miss Maude Duncan has been elected principal.

Tom Duncan and wife of Asheville are visiting at this place.

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