
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"Talk of the Town" from Henderson, Dec. 5, 1901

“Talk of the Town,” from The Gold Leaf, Henderson, N.C., Dec. 5, 1901

Mrs. L.D. Stainback visited friends in Franklinton this week.

More and more the shops begin to assume a Christmas like appearance.

Miss Mattie Clements returned last week from a pleasant visit to Greensboro.

Misses Daisy and Marie Williams of Littleton spent a few days in Henderson this week as guests of Mrs. J. B. Pearce.

Low rate return tickets are now on sale to Charleston, account of the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition.

Mrs. B.H. Burroughs left Saturday for Savannah, Ga., and after staying awhile there she will go to Florida expecting to be away some time.

Mrs. Leila Newcomb Riggsby and infant daughter returned to Durham Saturday after a 10 days visit to the family of Mr. Andrew P. Newcomb, her brother.

Mrs. Walter B. Burwell left Tuesday to visit relatives in Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Burwell will join her about Christmas, and on their return they will visit the Charleston Exposition.

Rev. John E. Wool of Oxford will preach in the Presbyterian church here Sunday. Mr. Wool is a good speaker and a young gentleman of engaging manner and agreeable personality.

H. Nutrizio is going to quit business in Henderson and go elsewhere. To close out he will offer astonishing bargains in shoes—men’s, women’s and children’s—from now until the first of January.

Hon. Jas. R. Young was here for a short while Monday. He informed us his little daughter Annie who has been sick with scarlet fever is about well again. Mr. Young returned to Raleigh on the evening train.

The advance in cotton this week as a result of the Government’s report indicating a short crop livened up things somewhere. Those who had sold wished they hadn’t and those who held were congratulating themselves.

The man who cannot buy a horse these days certainly cannot charge it to a lack of opportunity. There are plenty for sale with some variety in quality but very little as to condition. Mostly mortgage stock taken in for debt and offered at public auction.

Mr. Henry Buchan has returned from Ecquador where he has been with a large railroad contracting company since the first of the year. Did not like the country and threw up his job. He landed in New York Nov. 19th, having been 21 days on the voyage, and is now in Canada.

Prof. Alderman is lamenting the loss of his cane. It was one he prized very highly having had it upwards of 20 years. It is a hickory stick with crooked handle and has his initials ‘J.T.A.” cut on the end. Probably left it somewhere about town and will thank finder for returning same to him.

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