
Sunday, December 14, 2014

What the Children Wanted in 1921

Letters to Santa, published in the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 22, 1921

I want you to come see me Christmas and bring me a rifle and four packages of shot to shoot the rifle, a good plow, and all kinds of confectionaries.

I am a little boy, nine years old. I will close for this time.

Your little friend, Gus Covington


I am a little boy 7 years old. I won’t ask you for very much. Please bring me a suit of clothes and cap pistol and some caps and firecrackers, nuts and oranges and apples and candy.

Yours very truly, Benford Morse, Steele’s Mills


Will you please bring me an Indian suit, a drum, a stopper gun and a cap pistol.

Your little friend, Harlee Odom, Rockingham


I am a boy 10 years old, but I want you to bring me a knife with a chain on it and an air rifle and oranges and apples, candy, raisins, nuts and fire crackers.

Porter Sugg


Please bring me some apples, nuts, candy, grapes and oranges and a sleepy doll. I am 8 years old.

Good night, Alice Thrower, Entwistle


I am a little boy 6 years old but I will be 7 before you come. Please bring me a nice tool box, a coon jigger, a big horn, a top, a wheel-barrow and some firecrackers and sky rockets.

John Hasty Swink Jr.

P.S. If you come in time, you can eat supper with us.


Please send me a bicycle and some candy and fruit.

Margaret Dickson, Rockingham


I will write you a few lines. I want you to come to see me Xmas. I want you to bring me a little car large enough to ride in and lots of candy and nuts. I have three little sisters and I want you to bring them something too.

So goodbye, from your little boy, Louis Morse, Rockingham


I want you to bring me a nice doll, a rubber ball and fruit and candy and nuts. I am a little girl 7 years old. I am in the second grade.

Nannie Bell Millikia, Ellerbe


To Santa Claus, North Pole

I am a little boy 11 years old. I want you to bring me a Boy Scout bugle and a doughface and lots of fruits and nuts and candy.

Your true friend, Walter McNair, Rockingham


I am a boy 9 years old and please bring me a football, harp and some fruit, candy and nuts. Thank you.

Your friend, Paul Millikin, Ellerbe


I will write to let you know what I want you to bring me. I want some candy, apples, oranges, raisins, negrotoes and a dancer. I have 2 sisters and they want a doll apiece and candy and apples, oranges, and bring me what you can. I am 5 years old. I will close for this time.

From your truly friend, Thaddeus Ussery, Ellerby, Rt. 2


Please bring me a box of candy, a baby doll, a pretty string of pearls, a birthstone ring, a good story book, some apples, candy, nuts, oranges and raisins.

Your friend, Helen Grant


Please bring me a tea set, a little doll, a chair, a cradle, a doll house and candy.

Ida Willinal


Please bring me a wagon, a train, a gun, a horn, a cap pistol and a box of candy.

Ralph Willinal


Please bring me a great big doll and apples, nuts, oranges and fruit, and a ball and a pencil and tablet.

Gracie Lee Godfrey, Ellerbe


Please bring me a sleepy doll, a doll bed and carriage and some fruit and candy.

Your little friend, Louise Odom, Rockingham


Thank you for the things you brought last year. I want a pistol and some caps and a bag of marbles and a story book and a tool set and a lunch box and mother a sewing basket and father a hat and I want some raisins and some other fruit.

Your friend, Jim Dockery Williams


I want a knife and a French harp and firecrackers, candy, nuts, apples, oranges. I am a boy 8 years old.

Roy Sugg, Ellerbe


I am a little boy 9 years old. I wish that you would bring me a Boy Scout drum. I would like for you to bring me lots of fireworks and a doughface and lots of fruit.

Your loving friend, Archie McNair, Rockingham


I want some candy, apples, oranges, raisins and an air rifle. I am 11 years old. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Well, as I have written enough, I will close. Goodbye.

Yours truly, Theodore Ussery, Ellerbe, Rt. 2


I want you to bring me a doll and doll carriage and some apples, oranges and candy and raisins, nuts. I am a little girl 3 years old.

Anna Bell Sugg, Ellerbe


Will you please bring me a football, an erector set and a ram rod gun.

Your loving friend, L.L. Odom Jr., Rockingham


As it is nearly Xmas I want to write you to tell you to come to see me. I don’t know hardly what I do want. I would like to have a bicycle, but of course I would be glad to have anything you will bring me. I sure want some candy, nuts and all kinds of fruit.

With love to you, from Shirley Morse, Rockingham


I want a pretty doll, a ring, and some confectionaries. I am a small little girl, ten years old, and am in the fourth grade. I have been on the honor roll once. My teacher’s name is Cousin Gracie Covington. She is a real sweet teacher and I want you to please remember her on Christmas night. Well, Santa, I will close.

Your true girl, Betsy Wall Nichols


I will write you to tell you what I want you to bring me. I want you to bring me three packages of air rifle shot, a knife, and some confectionaries. I am ten year sold, and in the fourth grade. I have been on the honor roll three months. Well, I will close for this time.

Your little boy, Floyd Wall Nichols


I will write you a little letter to let you know what I want for Christmas. I want a piano, a doll, and some confectionaries. I have been a good little girl. I am eleven years old.

Bessie Calahan


I will write you a letter to let you know what I want you to bring me. I want you to bring me a piano, a bureau, some confectionaries, a sewing box, and a doll. That is all I want for Christmas.

I will close, Lena Perkins


I will write you a little letter to tell you what I want. I want a carriage and a piano, and some confectionaries.

I will close, Your true girl, Lila Perkins

I want a doll with curly hair, a piano, pair of bedroom slippers, a basketball, a pair of kid gloves, and some confectionaries.

Your true little girl, Katherine Covington
I want you to bring me a little piano and a story book, a basketball, and a pair of bedroom slippers.

Your true friend, Dorothy Covington


I will write you a little letter to let you know what I want you to bring me. I want a doll carriage and a doll, and lots of confectionaries.

Your true little girl, Robbie Lee Ellerbe


I will write you a little letter to let you know what I want you to bring me. An air rifle, cap pistol, and confectionaries.

I will close, James Ellerbe


Please bring me a doll, a doll carriage, a story book, and lots of confectionaries. That is all I want, so I will close.

Your little girl, Katie Ruth Martin


Please bring me a sewing box, a piece of ribbon, a ring, a Christmas box, some confectionaries, and a pair of bedroom slippers for grandma, so I will close.

Your true friend, Ollie Martin


I want some fire crackers, some confectionaries, some Roman candles, a cap pistol, and some sparklers. Well, I will close for this time.

John Shepherd


Please excuse all mistakes and bad writing.

I am writing you to tell you what I want you to bring me. I want you to bring me a pair of bed-room slippers, some confectionaries, some little fire-crackers, and anything else, Santa, that you can spare. I am a little girl twelve years old and I am in the fifth grade. My teacher’s name is Cousin Grace Covington, and she is a good teacher, and I want you to be good to her. Well, I will close for this time.

Elsie Nichols


Christmas, please bring me a sweet little doll, a story book, some fire crackers, sky rockets, Roman candles, lots of sparklers, lots of confectionaries, and anything else you can spare.

I am a little girl ten years old and in the fifth grade. I have been just as good as I can be. My teacher is Cousin Grace Covington. She sure is a good one, too, so be good to her Christmas.

Your little girl, Sarah Louise Ellerbe


I will write you a little letter to tell you want I want Christmas. I want a little doll, a sewing box, a basket ball, a hat with streamers, or a tassel on the side, and some confectionaries.

I am a little girl ten years old, and in the fifth grade. My teacher’s name is Cousin Grace Covington. Please don’t forget her Christmas night. She is a sweet teacher. I have been on the honor roll twice. I will close till next Christmas.

Your true girl, Louisa Covington


I want a big doll with long curly hair. I want a pretty white straw hat on her head, and some confectionaries, and I want a necklace with a watch in the middle. I will close for this time.

Your true girl, Mary Lampley


I am a little boy 13 years old and I am in the fourth grade. I am going to tell you want I want. I want 3 packages of fire crackers, a pair of leggings, and an air rifle with some shot, a pocket knife, a rubber ball, a sky rocket, some apples, oranges, candies and nuts. Well, Santa Claus, I will close for this year.

Your friend, Luther Calahan


Thank you for the things you brought last year. Please bring me a big doll and a cart and some fruits. Please bring mother and father something too. Please bring me some nuts and a sweater and some raisins. Please bring my little brother and sister something. Please bring me a tea set.

Your friend, Ina Kelly


Please bring me a overcoat, and some Roman candles and sparklers and fire crackers. Also some fruit and candy.

From your little boy, [unfortunately, the newspaper omitted the name]


Please bring me a large doll and some fruit and sparklers, and if you can, please bring me a doll bed and carriage. Thank you.

I am your little girl, Hallie Covington Kelly


Thank you for the things you brought me last year. Please bring me a sleeping doll, some apples, oranges, nuts, raisins and candy, a ball, some story books and a tea set. Bring my little brother a gun. I am in a hurry writing this letter, so this is all this time.

Your Friend, Carrie Mae Lowe

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