
Thursday, January 15, 2015

A.N Venters of Gum Branch Community in Onslow County Produces 'Food for Freedom', 1944

From the January 1944 issue of The Southern Planter
How North Carolina farmers responded to the call for “Food for Freedom” is shown by A.N. Venters of Gum Branch Community in Onslow County. His county farm agent, Hugh Overstreet, says Mr. Venters produced the following supplies this past season: 125 head of live hogs averaging 246 pounds each, providing 30,000 pounds of pork; 7 head of beef cattle, averaging 900 pounds per head or 6,300 pounds; 125 broilers; 175 dozen eggs; six lambs for mutton; 25 acres of peanuts; 30 acres of soybeans; five acres of sweet potatoes; 95 acres of corn averaging 30 bushels an acre or 2,850 bushels total; 12 acres of crimson clover; 24 acres of lespedeza; six acres of wheat; 10 acres of oats; and 10 acres of vetch.
Mr. Venters has on his farm now 18 brood sows, 22 head of sheep and 24 head of beef cattle. In addition, he maintains an excellent year-round Victory Garden. He is only one of many thousands in the State who have taken seriously the government’s request to produce food for war purposes.

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