
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bridge To Be Built Over Pasquotank River; No More Tolls, 1921

“Legislation to Bridge the Pasquotank River,” from the Messenger, Elizabeth City, N.C., January 14, 1921

Pasquotank, Camden and Currituck Representatives United on Measure to Put an End to Tolls
A bill to be introduced in the General Assembly within the next few days is designed to do away with the toll bridge now connecting Elizabeth city and Pasquotank county with the neighboring counties of Camden and Currituck, by purchasing and improving the present toll bridge and its approaches or by building a new bridge and approaches at some point between the present bridge at Elizabeth City and the DeFord farm which is on the Camden side of the river, just beyond the Norfolk Southern R.R. bridge.

The proposed new bridge would be built jointly by the counties of Pasquotank, Camden and Currituck; 50 percent of the cost to be defrayed by Pasquotank, 33 1/3 percent by Camden, and 16 2/3 percent by Currituck. The three counties would maintain the bridge and its approaches on the same pro rata basis. Representatives Coke of Pasquotank, Morrisette of Camden and Johnson of Currituck are agreed on the measure and a tentative draft of the bill was made this week. The provisions of the act would be carried out by a commission of three, one to be appointed from each county. The chairmanship is to be in Elizabeth City. P.H. Williams, president of the Savings Bank & Trust Co., is slated for the chairmanship of the commission. The cost of the project has not been determined the bill probably will call for a maximum expenditure of $100,000 to $150,000.
The representatives behind this desirable piece of legislation evidently have no faith in the Ferebee Highway Act, which contemplated this very bridge problem and it is probable that the bill will be introduced by Representative Morrisette, who is a member of the Ferebee District Highway Commission.
No more important piece of legislation of peculiar interest to so many people in this immediate section will be introduced at this session of the General Assembly.

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