
Friday, January 30, 2015

Freezer Lockers for 'Huckleberry Land,' and Watauga Cattle in Demand, 1944

From the January 1944 issue of The Southern Planter

Freezer Lockers for Sampson Folk
Down in “huckleberry land,” Sampson farmers are preparing to build a 500-box freezer locker plant just as soon as the necessary War Production Board requirements can be met. Already, 333 of the lockers have been rented for one year and the money placed in the bank. The enthusiasm is so great that a local lumberman, R.A. McCullen, has agreed to underwrite the whole proposition. Additional rooms will be used for cooling and salting meat, and the farmers feel that the locker will aid them in their meat curing problems as well as assuring them of a supply of fresh meat, reports Sampson Farm Agent E.J. Morgan.

Watauga Cattle in Demand
The sound livestock program developed by Watauga farmers is paying dividends. Beef cattle growers in the county, not only are selling breeding stock to advantage; but, recently, they sold 55 head of high quality feeder animals to their neighbors of Robeson County.

This is the second consecutive year that Robeson farmers have purchased feeder steers in Watauga and the finished product has won most of the prizes at the Lumberton Fat Stock Show. Watauga also held its first sale of registered Ayrshire dairy cattle this fall when 22 head sold for $126 per animal. The livestock farmers have come to look upon their industry as a permanent thing and only7 recently they established a cooperative feed store in Boone to aid in the buying and distributing of such feed ingredients and farm supplies as must be purchased.

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