
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Local News From The Cherokee Scout, Feb. 23, 1904

From the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., published Tuesday, February 23, 1904. The Cherokee Scout, published every Tuesday at Murphy, North Carolina. Meroney & Towns, Editors and Proprietors. One Dollar a Year in Advance.

Thursday the ladies were out in large numbers, taking advantage of the pretty weather, and we were not a bit surprised at the rain Friday. Saturday was cold and windy, reminding us of March. It didn’t do a thing Sunday but rain. The continued rains have put the roads in bad shape.

R.L. Cooper left this morning for Asheville.

Rev. J.M. Brown of Gum Log, Ga., was in town Thursday.

J.V. Brittain killed two fine wild turkeys Saturday morning.

C.C. Bruce has sold out at Marble and moved to Andrews.

Mrs. Allie Bell and sister will occupy rooms in the Fain home place.

W.E. Howell leaves tomorrow to join the steel range men at Asheville.

John King went down to McCays, Tenn., Thursday and returned Sunday.

Allen Fain killed a wild duck the other day in the river below the bridge.

Rev. Baylus Cade will deliver his famous lecture next Sunday night at Andrews.

J.C. Wilson will move to one of the Beal cottages near the old A.K. & D. depot.

President Sharp of Young Harris College was here Wednesday on his way to Atlanta.

J.C. Wilson has his photograph tent up in front of the jail. He is doing good work.

Rev. D.P. Tate was confined to his room the past week with an attack of neuralgia.

S.E. Cover, the gentlemanly manager of the tannery at Andrews, called to see us Tuesday.

Ed Herbert of Hayesville returns to Blue Ridge this morning, where he has a position in the shops.

J.R. McLelland is completing an addition to his store house to accommodate his increasing business.

C.H. Black, with Elliott & Company at Andrews, passed through Thursday to visit relatives at Grape Creek.

The A.K. & N. trestle force commenced repair work Thursday on the trestle across the Hiwassee river.

The measles have about run out of material in Murphy. However, a few cases of mumps are lingering.

Miss Irene Blair of Sedalia, Mo., arrived Sunday for an indefinite visit to her sister, Mrs. Claude H. Miller.

“Dick” Sutherland, who is with the A.K. & N. painting gang, spent Saturday and Sunday here with his parents.

Prof. L.E. Mauney, who is teaching school at Blue Ridge, was here with his family from Friday until Sunday.

Miss Laura Smathers of Haywood county is here visiting her brother, J.L. Smathers, will remain until April.

Miss Lillian Fleming was the guest Thursday night of Miss Bird Patton, leaving Friday to visit relatives at Chattanooga.

The Tenth District Republican Congressional Convention has been called to meet at Hendersonville on the 20th of April.

R.E. McIver died at Jonesboro, N.C., Feb. 14th, after a short illness. Mrs. McIver is a daughter of ex-Sheriff S.W. Davidson.

The remains of Smith Thomasson, who died at Sweet Gum, Ga., passed through town Wednesday for interment at Peachtree, his former home.

The many friends of Hal Axley will be glad to learn that he is at East St. Louis, Ill. At the last moment he decided not to go to Japan.

H.H. Platt and W.T. Green of Warne, left last week for Oklahoma. They are nice young men and we wish them well in their new home.

Miss Ida Herbert, who has been in Atlanta going to school, was here Wednesday on her way home to Hayesville, accompanied by her brother Ed.

John E. Posey, with wholesale hardware firm of Dinkins & Davidson of Atlanta, arrived Friday night to spend a few days with his parents.

Mr. Byron Hawkins and family left Tuesday to make their future home at Paul’s Valley, I.T. Byron goes on a stock ranch and we trust he will strike it rich. [The I.T. in this sentence refers to Indian Territory.]

Rev. E.A. Deweese was thrown from a horse last week on Hanging-dog and pretty badly shaken up, and his many friends will be glad to learn that he will soon be out.

Rev. W.H. Baker of Peachtree was in town Thursday. He has to use crutches yet, but his foot and ankle are improving, a source of much gratification to his numerous friends.

About 30 people boarded the A.K.&N. train here last Tuesday for different points in the west. They were from surrounding counties and the Georgia line. Ticket Agent Apple informs us that something like $800 was paid for tickets.

T.J. Cooper of Chalker, Ga., arrived Friday night and has since been busy shaking hands with the friends of his boyhood days. We are glad to learn that he is doing well in the lumber business. He returns home this morning.

Our Mr. A. Don Towns received a telegram Thursday afternoon from Albany, Ga., stating that his mother, Mrs. L.A. Towns, was dead. Her maiden name was Miss Lucy Ann Brown and she was born in South Carolina in 1824 and was therefore in her 80th year. She is survived by three daughters and a son, a husband and five children having preceded her. Mother has at last found perfect rest.

Mr. B. Brook-Smith of Brunswick, Ga., formerly manager of the Dixie Drug Company, manufacturing chemists of that city, arrived last week and took charge of the prescription department of the King Drug company of our town. He was also acting assistant surgeon in the Spanish-American army and served with the Thirty-ninth U.S. Volunteers in the Philippines. Mr. Brook-Smith is a native of Jefferson county, Ala., and we welcome him to our town.

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