
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

News From Beech Creek and Persimmon Creek, Feb. 23, 1904

“News from Beech Creek,” from the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., published Tuesday, February 23, 1904

Everything is moving along quietly at this place.

Some of our people have got the western fever.

Misses Cora and Mamie Payne were the guests of Misses Ella and Nettie Stiles Saturday night.

Miss Mary Revis is attending the Bellview High School.

We are having protracted meetings in this section.

The mud doesn’t stop the hauling of lumber.

J.M. Payne is arranging for some repairs on the school house.


Horse Stolen and Other News from Persimmon Creek, 1904

From the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., published Tuesday, February 23, 1904

Since our last letter Henry Cheatham and Callie Morrow have been married; also John decker and Ida Johnson were married on Feb. 14th. John is a nice young man and worthy of the choice young ??? captured.

Jas. M. Decker has sold his stock of goods and land to Jno. Payne. The former has taken charge of the stock of goods at Letitia owned by Wesley Christopher, and is now moving his family, while the latter is filling his vacancy. It is said that John Decker will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Payne.

G.I. Carroll is selling out and will go to Idaho late this spring. James Picklesimer is disposing of his possessions to go to Arkansas.

Preaching at the Union church Saturday was rather poorly attended, and on account of a sick relative Pastor Crowder failed to get back Sunday. Your deponent did not go either day. Had I as well to have got drunk?

Wm. Payne and brother, Jas. H. Payne, visiting their uncle, W. Perry Payne of Ogreeta, Saturday and Sunday. They found him unable to talk on account of paralysis of some of the articulative organs. He has been in this condition for probably three months. He is very lively and can walk about quite well.

A clever thief carried away A.H. Horton’s horse on the first of February, but only kept him a day and turning him in Dr. Ball’s field. The horse appeared very tired, as if he had been traveling all the time of his absence. No arrests have been made, and probably never will be, but if there can be any evidence gotten up who did it, it certainly should be done. Mr. Horton is much prouder of his horse than he was before.

A new comer greeted Patton Stiles and his wife on the 1st of February in the form of a bouncing baby boy.

A fine baby girl is stopping at the home of James Decker, who is all smiles.

Oscar Johnson and sister, Miss Lena, are attending school at Athens, Tenn.

It is said that one of our citizens went to mill a few days ago and forgot to take his corn. He went back home after the corn and stayed so long the miller got uneasy about him and went to see what was the matter and found that he had forgotten to go back.


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