
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

News From Watauga County, Feb. 19, 1920

From the Feb. 19, 1920 issue of the Watauga Democrat

Post Master David Wyke of Shulls Mills has purchased a farm in New York State and will move there in the near future.

Last Sunday was the coldest day of the winter, mercury registering 5 degrees below zero in Boone early in the morning.

Engineer W.E. Cole was called to his home in Salisbury last week on account of sickness in his family, and has not yet returned.

Miss Lina Fletcher has been the worst flu sufferer in the village, having been confined to her bed for more than a week. She, however, is now improving.

Dr. J.W. Jones left Monday for Annapolis, Md., to visit his brother, Mr. Thomas Jones, who is seriously ill with pneumonia following flu.

The home of Mr. N.C. Greene was invaded by the flu last week, four members of the family being down at the same time. All are up again with no very serious results.

Ex-Sheriff W.P. Moody has purchased of Mr. W.E. Shipley one large Martin farm located between Blowing Rock and Shulls Mills, the consideration being $15,500.

Rev. J.R. Walker informs The Democrat that the Boone Methodist Church building campaign is going forward successfully. He says that in Boone more than $8,000 has been promised. He further says that a prompt subscription will help in two or more ways.

Mr. G.M. Sudderth, cashier of the Peoples Bank and Trust Company, has sold his recently purchased home on the Green Heights to J. Pat. Hodges, who will move there as soon as the property is vacated by its former owner, Mr. W.D. Farthing. The purchase price paid by Mr. Hodges was $4,000.

Little Frank, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Adam Hodges of Boone, has been suffering for several days with spinal meningitis, but we are glad to hear that, at this writing, is somewhat improved and hopes of his early recovery are not entertained.

Mr. G.G. Greene of Lockhaven, Penn., has just been to this section buying lumber. He closed a deal with Prof. W.L. Winkler for 600,000 feet which will be cut and delivered within the next twelve months. The deal increases Mr. Winkler’s bank accounts to the amount of $24,000.

Owing to flu conditions, the services of all kinds in the different churches of the town have been declared off; and the Appalachian Theater ordered closed by Mayor Thomas B. Moore. Only three new cases have developed in town for several days, and the physicians think they have the malady well in hand.

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