
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Outstanding Club Member Puts Lessons to Work in Iredell County, 1951

“An Outstanding Club Member and Her Activities” by Mrs. Clarence M. Shaver, member of Olin Club, from the Feb. 5, 1951 issue of the Statesville Landmark

Olin Club was among the first to be organized in the county. Mrs. C.A. Vanstory recalls being presented at the first meeting. Her interest in club work has been keen from the start. The demonstrations have given her many ideas and suggestions that she has put into practice in her home and surroundings.

One of her early club interests was in the year round garden. She was so successful in her first attempts that she finds herself still enjoying vegetables from her garden all seasons of the year. Her pet specialty is growing large crisp headed lettuce. Cabbage, onions, turnips, parsnips, carrots, and collards are other vegetables included in her winter garden. Strawberries although not winter maturing, are grown expertly by Mrs. Vanstory.

Through personal assistance and guidance from the home agent, she has refinished and restored to their natural beauty a number of valuable old pieces of furniture. Not only has this proved a saving but a pleasure to her family; especially since they have been handed down from generation to generation.

The project leader report son various topics are also of interest to Mrs. Vanstory. Each spring she grows baby chicks from which she keeps selected layers the following year. Dairy cows are kept on the farm and milk is sold. Mrs. Vanstory makes her own clothes and thinks everyone should know how. In spite of all the necessary work to be done, she finds time to grow a variety of flowers.

At present time, the Vanstory home is being remodeled. The old kitchen, dining room, and porch have been torn away and a new kitchen, dining room, bedroom, hall, bath fully equipped, and enclosed porch have been built essentially new. A basement has also been added under part of this new construction. The kitchen has modern cabinet, sink, electric stove, refrigerator and plenty of cabinet space. Last summer a deep freeze was added which will take care of all garden surplus and meats. Thus helping her to feed her family easier and better.

The front part of the house is yet to be remodeled. Probably a removal of the stairway and a larger living room is planned. She is keeping in mind the various color schemes Mrs. Westmoreland showed us last summer in the demonstration “Color In The Home.” She feels it will be of great help to her when she is ready to paint and fix up the inside.

Aside from the practical interest of club work in the home, Mrs. Vanstory has helped the club move forward as an organization. She was the club’s first president and has served from time to time since. Demonstrations have been given by her in absence of the home agent. Any assignment given her has always been done well and with enthusiasm. She looks forward to the special annual meetings of the club—Federation Day and Achievement Day. She has also attended Farm and Home Week in Raleigh.

Mrs Vanstory feels that being a club member has enriched her life socially and economically. She is sure it has helped her to be a more efficient wife and mother and by working with others has helped her to be a better citizen. She thinks there is plenty of inspiration and valuable information awaiting both new and old homemakers at the monthly club meetings.

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