
Friday, February 13, 2015

W.M. Reese Closing His Store in Mabel, N.C., 1920

“Closing-Out Sale of Groceries at Cost” by W.M. Reese, The Watauga Democrat, February 12, 1920

I have decided to quit the grocery business and instead of selling my stock in bulk to some other merchant, I am going to sell to the people at cost. This means what they cost laid down in my store. Of course this don’t mean that you can get goods as cheap as you once could but it doe3s mean that you can save from 20 to 33 per cent on the regular retail prices—for instance you will get a fine roasted coffee that sells for 37 ½ to 40 cents for 30 cents; and a 30-cent green coffee for 25 cents; 60 cent syrup for 49 cents, and other things according.

Now this is not a lot of junk. I am trying to get rid of in order to buy fresh stuff, but everything is fresh and clean and consists of heavy and fancy groceries as well as glassware, tinware, queensware, drugs and medicines, and I am going to sell out simply in order to get out of this line of business.

This sale will begin on Monday Feb. 9th and continue until March 1st. Nothing will be sold on time, but I will pay the market price on good produce, and give $2 per bushel for good corn.

                --W.M. Reese, Mabel, N.C.

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