
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Dixie Druggist, Published in North Carolina, 1913

"Around the Drug Stores," from the Dixie Druggist, April 1913, online at UNC Health Sciences Library (

Mr. P.W. Vaughan of Durham, N.C., has retired from active business after a period of 32 years. Mr. Vaughan is succeeded by Mr. Benjamin Thomas. Mr. Vaughan was secretary of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association from 1899 until 1912, when he declined re-election. He was also at one time a member of the State Board of Pharmacy.

The firm of James Plummer, Salisbury, N.C., which was composed of Mr. James Plummer and Mrs. T.C. Linn, has been dissolved. Mr. James Plummer has purchased the entire stock in the old firm and will continue the business.

The McPherson Drug Company, adjoining the Empire Hotel, Main street, Salisbury, N.C., has been thoroughly renovated, and is now in good shape. Steel ceiling, newly frescoed walls, a new front, modern fixtures, etc., give it a fine appearance. The store is managed by Mr. A.D. Currie and his assistant, Mr. J.B. March.

The Shaffner-Landquist Drug Company, Winston-Salem, N.C., is now occupying new quarters at Main and Shallowford streets. This gives Winston-Salem a drug store that is attractive and up-to-date in every respect.

Mr. David C. Lisk of China Grove, N.C., has purchased controlling interest in the Belmont Pharmacy, Charlotte, N.C. Mr. Lisk was for some time connected with the C.R. Mayer drug store in Charlotte.

Circuit Judge Prince has named M.L. Copeland receiver for the Palmetto Drug Company, Laurens, S.C.

The Adams Drug Company, Birmingham, Ala., is advertised as "The Sleepless Store in the Heart of the Town's Heart."

Dr. McMillan, Cordele, Ga., has moved his drug store to a location in the Georgian Hotel.

Mr. Jake Landau has purchased an interest in the One-Half Drug Store in Palestine, Texas.

A new drug store will soon open in Scott, Ga., and will be owned by Dr. Carter.

Dr. C.M. Wright of Garwood, Texas, has purchased the Rock Island Drug Store, Rock Island, Texas, from Mr. B.D. Hayner.

The old firm of P.R. Jones' Sons, Danville, Va., has been sold to the Danville Drug Company Inc., of which Dr. Robert Blackwell is president, and Mrs. H.W. Thomas is secretary, treasurer and general manager. Mr. Thomas is a well-known pharmacist of Danville and will have charge of the Jones' store. Many improvements will be made, which include a new front, a new soda fountain and general remodeling of the store. The present store force will be added to.

Messrs. Chalmers and Bryant Ferguson have purchased the store known as the Model Pharmacy, Salem, Va., and the store will be under new management.

The Mothers' Congress of Pueblo, Colo., have gone on record as opposing soda fountain beverages for children. They hold that these beverages are not healthful, and that visiting the soda fountain is an extravagant habit for children to acquire.

North Carolina Board of Pharmacy--E.V. Zoeller, President, Tarboro, 1912; J.P. Stowe, Charlotte, 1916; W.W. Horne, Fayetteville, 1915; I.W. Rose, Rocky Mount, 1913; F.W. Hancock, Secretary, Oxford, 1914.


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