
Friday, April 24, 2015

Ella M. Green Reports on Life in Huntington, West Virginia, 1901

Letter from Ella M. Green, now living in Huntington, West Virginia, as published in the Watauga Democrat, April 25, 1901

Here I am again begging for a short space in the dear old Democrat. True I have kept silent for quite a while, but please to not charge my heart with forgetfulness. I have often contemplated writing, but procrastination has robbed me of my good intentions.

We have had only a winter in name here, with no frost, ice, and but little snow. Our spring has been like an Eastern spring. True we have had quite a bit of rain, but by no means constantly. The flowers are now appearing, and the hills will soon be covered with a mantle of glory. In summer rain is very scarce, is eagerly looked for an joyously welcomed. We have been having a very stiff breeze which did not hesitate to knock off our hats and fling dust into all exposed eyes, and dance around with untiring energy and persistency. Still no fairer summer could be wished for than that which reigns here, and with the sparkling champagne of the clear, dry air, we forget to sigh for a summer shower to lay the dust. All I could say in praise of this place would fail to do it justice. To know its charms, you must behold these peculiarly lovely mountains and feel this delightful air on your own brow.

Farmers are all very busy preparing for crops. Cross ties are so very low now, I think there will be more crops raised this year than last.

Quite an epidemic of fever now, and quite a small pox scare in the town. The town is now quarantined.

This is a very lovely place with about 13,000 inhabitants. The streets are constantly filled with a never ceasing stream of people.

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