
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Mill River News, April 6, 1911

"Mill River News" by "Grey Eyes," from the French Broad Hustler, Thursday, April 6, 1911

Mr. R.M. Reid is now installing gas lights in his new boarding house, which he expects to open by June 15.

The sound of the saw and hammer in this community makes a fellow feel like he was living in Hendersonville.

Mr. C.P. Barnette, contractor and builder, is now erecting a rock wall around J.T. Davenport's store.

Triger Brittain has returned from Orlando, Fla., and is now placing his feet under paps table three times a day.

Floyd Osborne has organized a company to build a race path for home horse races for the summer attraction. He has a horse that can make one mile in four minutes on the public road.

The people were very much disappointed Sunday morning at Mills River Chapel, where a large crowd had gathered to hear Mr. Breeding of Hendersonville, but he failed to come. Mr. Jamison filled his place.

--Grey Eyes

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