
Friday, April 3, 2015

Mrs. Lillie Hammett Has Died, 1915

Obituary for Lillie Hammett from the April 29, 1915, issue of the Western Carolina Democrat and French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C.

Mrs. Lillie Hammett

Whereas the great supreme Ruler of the universe has in his infinite wisdom removed from among us Mrs. Hammett, the sister of our beloved brother John Salts, and whereas the long and intimate relation held with him in the faithful discharge of his duties in our lodge make it eminently befitting that we record our sympathy for him.

Therefore, be it resolved that the wisdom and ability which he has exercised in the aid of our organization by service, contributes and counsel, will be held in grateful remembrance.

Be it resolved that with deep sympathy with the bereaved relatives of the deceased, we express our hope that ever so great a loss to our beloved brother may be overruled for good by Him who doeth all things well.

Be it resolved that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of this organization, a copy printed in the local paper, and a copy forwarded to the bereaved family.

White Pine Camp, W.O.W., J. Boling, Van Lindsey, G.F. Chaple, committee

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