
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

L.G. Maxwell Shares News From Riverside, May 10, 1900

"Riverside Ripples" by L.G. Maxwell, from the Watauga Democrat, May 10, 1900

We are having fine, warm weather now, and the most of our people who are not sick or buying sheep are at work fixing for a crop.

There are several cases of grip in this community and a few cases of measles, with a good prospect for more.

And the sheep buyers, oh my! I saw one a few days ago who had  two. He said there were one buyer for every two sheep and he had gotten his two and would have to quit.

I enjoy reading the letters of our former countyman Rev. J.W. Thomas. He always writes such sensible letters. I hope he will write often for your paper.

I think our democratic party of North Carolina should be proud of the ticket nominated at the State Convention and of the platform adopted. With such a ticket and such a platform, I don't think the combined forces of Butler and Pritchard can beat us.

Now, let us have the right man for Congress with a good legislative and county ticket, and I think  the democratic party will be victorious in the coming election. And for Congress I know of no better man than that true and tried statesman of Watauga county. What do you say, Democrats.

--L.G. Maxwell

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